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Öğrenmeye başla
You're an ogre,
just like my father.
He won't let me stay out late
or play records or anything.
Your father won't
let you stay out late?
No, he's terrible.
Once I was at a party and
it didn't end until late.
He called the cops.
Can you imagine?
He had the whole police force there.
By the way, where is it that you live, Carol?
Over on Ramona. Why?
Oh, no! Uh-uh.
You thought I'd tell you where I live?
Not me. Not old Carol.
The night is young,
and I'm not hitting the rack
till I get a little action.
What do you
keep looking at?
Who's that?
You know him?
He's following
awful close.
Grab on to something.
Hey, man, I'm sorry
if I scared you.
You'd have to do a hell of a lot
more than that to scare me.
Hey, I've been looking
all over for you, man.
Didn't nobody tell you
I was looking for you?
Hey, I can't keep track
of all you punks
running around here
Hey, you're supposed to be the
fastest thing in the valley, man.
But that can't be your car.
It must be your mama's car.
I'm sort of embarrassed
to be this close to you.
Well, I'm not surprised,
driving a field car.
Field car?
What's a field car?
A field car runs
through the fields,
drops cow shit all over the
place to make the lettuce grow.
That's pretty good.
Hey, I like the color of your car there, man.
What's that supposed to be?
Sort of a cross between piss
yellow and puke green, ain't it?
You call that a paint job,
but it's pretty ugly.
I'll bet you got to
sneak up on the pumps
just to get a little
air in your tires.
At least I don't have
to pull over to the side
just to let
a funeral go by, man.
Oh! Funny.
You know what?
Your car's uglier
than I am!
That didn't
come out right.
Come on, boy.
Let's go. Prove it.
Why don't you go out and try
to win yourself a few races?
Then you come on back and
I'll show you a few things.
Oh, race him.
You can beat him.
Hey, that's a tough-looking
girl you got with you, man.
What are you doing? Trying to pick
up a few extra bucks babysitting?
Hey, doll, why don't you come on and
ride with me, in about 10 years?
Now, leave her out of this. This
is just between you and me.
Wow. He's really fast,
isn't he?
Yeah, but he's stupid.
young - genç
whole - bütün
where - nerede
valley - vadi
until - a kadar
tires - lastikler
thought - düşünce
thing - şey
tough - sert
there - Orada
surprised - şaşırmış
supposed - sözde
sorry - afedersiniz
scare - korkutmak
right - Sağ
yellow - sarı
ramona - ramona
drops - damla
things - eşyalar
fastest - en hızlı
driving - sürme
uglier - çirkin
anything - her şey
father - baba
police - Polis
close - kapat
pumps - pompalar
years - Yıl
embarrassed - mahçup
around - etrafında
running - koşu
babysitting - bebek bakımı
sneak - gizlice
about - hakkında
backwards - geriye doğru
yourself - kendin
force - kuvvet
hitting - isabet
cross - çapraz
something - bir şey
bucks - dolar
action - aksiyon
paint - boya
field - alan
carol - ilahi
stupid - aptal
between - arasında
awful - korkunç
trying - çalışıyor
terrible - korkunç
called - denilen
records - kayıtlar
fields - alanlar
lettuce - marul
track - iz
following - takip etme
doing - iş
funeral - cenaze
funny - komik
scared - korkmuş
really - gerçekten mi
green - yeşil
imagine - hayal etmek
nobody - kimse
least - en az
leave - ayrılmak
through - vasitasiyla
little - küçük
looking - seyir
punks - serseriler
night - gece
prove - kanıtlamak
party - parti
place - yer
pretty - güzel
extra - ekstra
color - renk
races - ırklar
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