Film ve kitaplardan gerçek İngilizce'yi öğrenin.
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Öğrenmeye başla
It's my chance to finally do some
work that shall mean something.
Mean something to who?
You had a career, Dad,
before the third comic book movie.
Before people started to forget
who was inside that bird costume.
You are doing a play based on a book
that was written 60 years ago
for a thousand rich
old white people...
Nobody gives a shit but you!
And, let's face it, Dad...
you are not doing this
for the sake of art,
you're doing this, because you
want to feel relevant again.
Well, guess what? There's an
entire world out there of people
who fight to be relevant
every single day!
And you act like it
doesn't exist.
Things are happening
in a place that you ignore...
a place that, by the way, has already
forgotten about you!
I mean, who the fuck are you?!
You hate bloggers,
you mock Twitter.
You don't even have
a Facebook page!
You are the one
who doesn't exist!
You're doing this
because you're scared to death
like the rest of us,
that you don't matter.
And you know what? You're right!
You don't!
It's not important, okay?
You're not important... get used to it!
years - Yıl
written - yazılı
forget - unutmak
fight - kavga
before - önce
thousand - bin
facebook - facebook
already - zaten
entire - Tüm
forgotten - unutulmuş
relevant - uygun
doing - iş
based - merkezli
finally - en sonunda
third - Üçüncü
gives - verir
death - ölüm
again - Tekrar
about - hakkında
every - proszę uważać
because - Çünkü
bloggers - blogcular
career - kariyer
chance - şans
happening - olay
comic - komik
place - yer
exist - var olmak
single - Tek
costume - kostüm
guess - tahmin
ignore - aldırmamak
movie - film
world - Dünya
nobody - kimse
right - Sağ
scared - korkmuş
matter - madde
white - beyaz
inside - içeride
something - bir şey
started - başladı
people - insanlar
things - eşyalar
there - Orada
important - önemli
shall - -acak
twitter - heyecan
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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