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Öğrenmeye başla
Alright so this is from
Detective Laurel Hester
who's currently on medical
leave of absence because,
unfortunately, she has
stage four cancer.
And she's asking that in
the event of her death,
her pension benefits be assigned
to her partner, Stacie Andree.
- Stacie Andree is a woman, correct?
- Correct.
I'm just trying to wrap my mind
around her being a lesbian.
Well, she's so not like a lesbian.
The contract we negotiated
with the police union
doesn't give Detective Hester the right
to assign her benefits
to her roommate, end of story.
Alright, so motion to deny
Detective Hester's request?
Well, actually, the Domestic Partnership
Act passed by the state legislature
extends benefits to same sex
partners of state employees.
Hester's a county employee.
But the law says we can
assign benefits to county employees.
Right, and bankrupt the county.
- Oh, come on.
- No, come on, what?
People can make anybody their
partners and get benefits?
It's really very hard
to form a domestic partnership,
actually, harder than marriage.
Nothing's harder than marriage.
Bryan, the law you're talking about
violates the sanctity of marriage.
It offends traditional values, and in
this county, that's political suicide.
She's dying.
Yes, and that's a personal tragedy
and we, we deal in public policy here.
But I move that we deny
Detective Hester's request,
we should wish her the best
and tell her she's in our prayers.
- Alright, all in favor?
- Yes.
- Brian?
- Oh, abstain.
We like our decisions to have
the authority of unanimous vote.
It's been our tradition for 150 years.
- Yes.
- Good.
woman - kadın
unfortunately - ne yazık ki
unanimous - oybirliği
trying - çalışıyor
tradition - gelenek
their - onların
suicide - intihar
state - belirtmek, bildirmek
stacie - stacie
sanctity - kutsallık
request - istek
public - halka açık
political - siyasi
values - değerler
story - öykü
policy - Politika
police - Polis
violates - ihlal
passed - geçti
personal - kişisel
contract - sözleşme
cancer - kanser
bryan - bryan
years - Yıl
around - etrafında
authority - yetki
brian - brian
pension - emeklilik
being - olmak
andree - andree
county - kontluk
decisions - kararlar
because - Çünkü
roommate - oda arkadaşı
leave - ayrılmak
really - gerçekten mi
bankrupt - iflas etti
assigned - atanmış
employees - çalışanlar
partners - ortaklar
anybody - kimse
hester - hester
asking - sormak
absence - yokluk
correct - Doğru
abstain - kaçınmak
alright - peki
currently - şu anda
favor - iyilik
traditional - Geleneksel
prayers - namaz
partner - ortak
death - ölüm
actually - aslında
detective - dedektif
union - birlik
domestic - yerli
medical - Tıbbi
dying - ölen
talking - konuşma
about - hakkında
event - olay
extends - uzanır
stage - evre
lesbian - lezbiyen
tragedy - trajedi
right - Sağ
employee - işçi
harder - daha güçlü
partnership - ortaklık
laurel - defne
should - meli
assign - atamak
negotiated - anlaşmalı
legislature - yasama organı
marriage - evlilik
motion - Hareket
people - insanlar
benefits - faydaları
offends - gücendirir
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