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Öğrenmeye başla
Rumor has it that he works for a group
known only as "The Organization."
So secret, no one knows it exists.
It takes no sides,
yet it has ties to every government.
Its sole purpose is the training and
conditioning of professional killers.
These men are selected at
birth, rejects, orphans.
All of them unwanted
and disposable.
They are made experts
in every aspect of combat
and programmed for one
purpose - to kill.
The man you have been chasing
for the last three years, Inspector...
is the very best of them.
Put him there.
You shouldn't have stolen from me, Brother.
Now you must pay.
What happened to his voice?
He made me swallow.
What did you do to his voice?
Nothing, Ovie.
Exactly as he was delivered.
- You didn't find him?
- No.
A contractor.
An American.
Swallow what?
voice - Ses
unwanted - istenmeyen
training - eğitim
three - üç
swallow - yutmak
secret - gizli
rumor - söylenti
these - bunlar
purpose - amaç
programmed - programlanmış
orphans - kimsesiz çocuklar
organization - organizasyon
contractor - müteahhit
conditioning - şartlandırma
there - Orada
chasing - takip
years - Yıl
american - Amerikan
takes - alır
birth - doğum
sides - taraf
professional - profesyonel
delivered - teslim
experts - Uzmanlar
combat - savaş
brother - erkek kardeş
selected - seçilmiş
exactly - kesinlikle
exists - var
every - proszę uważać
disposable - tek kullanımlık
government - hükümet
works - eserleri
group - grup
stolen - çalıntı
rejects - reddeder
happened - olmuş
killers - katiller
inspector - müfettiş
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
known - bilinen
aspect - görünüş
knows - bilir
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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