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Öğrenmeye başla
Y'all are
gonna die tonight...
Unless you do
what I say.
You're gonna end up
like your two friends out there.
That kind of sucks,
don't it?
Listen to me.
My name is McBride,
And I was a guard
at that Goodchild asylum.
We had the worst, decrepit, nasty
persons You could ever imagine.
And many years ago, we executed
One of the worst of them all.
His name
was Dietrich van Klaus.
Never heard of him.
Yeah, no shit,
'cause after we executed him,
There was a fire
that roared through there.
Destroyed everything-
Records, archives,
But that son of a bitch
was the worst one.
You'd rather chew glass
and beat off with sandpaper
Than sit in the same room
as that son of a bitch.
Would you get
to the point already?
Shut the fuck up.
Now, what happens is,
Every year on his anniversary
of his execution,
His spirit runs free.
That's what's
going on right now.
That's what happened to that
boy out there that I had to kill,
And he's the one
that killed your little girl.
this is ridiculous.
No, dude,
tony was acting crazy.
He's chasing us
with a pitchfork?
He tried to kill you.
He did, man.
Keep going.
People wanted an end
to van Klaus' terror.
They wanted it to be over,
And they wanted to move on
with their lives,
But that son of a bitch
killed one more time.
And when he did,
what he did to warden Wilkes
Is forever burned
in my memory.
And I knew something evil
had a grip on van Klaus,
And this wasn't the end.
It was far from it.
So what happens is, Every year on
his anniversary of the execution,
He runs free,
And he's got a window.
And that window ends
tonight at midnight.
How does he
possess a body?
There's a graveyard
up on the road out there.
Did you all pass
that graveyard on your way in?
Did you
hold your breath?
years - Yıl
would - olur
window - pencere
unless - olmadıkça
tonight - Bu gece
there - Orada
their - onların
sucks - berbat
spirit - ruh
right - Sağ
ridiculous - gülünç
records - kayıtlar
rather - daha doğrusu
glass - bardak
crazy - çılgın
worst - en kötü
friends - arkadaşlar
forever - sonsuza dek
happens - olur
could - could
sandpaper - zımpara
asylum - iltica
through - vasitasiyla
little - küçük
people - insanlar
anniversary - yıldönümü
tried - denenmiş
already - zaten
wilkes - wilkes
imagine - hayal etmek
after - sonra
heard - duymuş
chasing - takip
burned - yanmış
something - bir şey
execution - icra
decrepit - eskimiş
executed - infaz
acting - oyunculuk
archives - arşiv
roared - kükredi
destroyed - yerlebir edilmiş
breath - nefes
wanted - aranan
going - gidiş
gonna - olacak
listen - dinlemek
graveyard - mezarlık
guard - bekçi
warden - bekçi
happened - olmuş
killed - öldürdü
goodchild - i̇yi çocuk
pitchfork - dirgen
klaus - klaus
lives - hayatları
mcbride - McBride
terror - terör
bitch - orospu
memory - Bellek
midnight - gece yarısı
dietrich - dietrich
point - puan
every - proszę uważać
everything - her şey
nasty - pis
persons - kişiler
never - asla
possess - sahip olmak
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