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Öğrenmeye başla
Hey, John, what happened?
Talk to me. What happened?
I've been calling you off the hook
ever since I heard about the subway.
Do you remember that paper
on extra-solar activity I published?
Yeah, sure, I remember.
I found evidence of a
series of super-flares
from a star in the
outer-Pleiades region.
Right. Ratings were off the chart.
We were both wrong.
The numbers are a warning,
but not just to me or any random group.
They're a warning to everyone.
Okay. You're officially scaring
the shit out of me right now.
The super-flare, in our own solar system.
A 100 microtesla wave of radiation
that would destroy our
ozone layer
killing every living organism
on the planet.
We have to let everyone know.
We have to call the NOAA.
They already know.
The announcement will come anytime now.
I thought there was some purpose
to all of this.
Why did I get this prediction
if there's nothing I can do about it?
How am I supposed
to stop the end of the world?
Go home, Phil. Be with Kim tonight.
would - olur
world - Dünya
warning - uyarı
tonight - Bu gece
system - sistem
supposed - sözde
microtesla - mikroteslalık
killing - öldürme
heard - duymuş
organism - organizma
happened - olmuş
activity - aktivite
group - grup
about - hakkında
ozone - ozon
flare - işaret fişeği
right - Sağ
purpose - amaç
flares - fişekleri
numbers - sayılar
officially - resmi olarak
region - bölge
extra - ekstra
remember - hatırlamak
evidence - kanıt
found - bulunan
everyone - Herkes
solar - güneş
subway - metro
there - Orada
announcement - duyuru
anytime - istediğin zaman
destroy - yıkmak
already - zaten
every - proszę uważać
calling - çağrı
planet - gezegen
living - yaşam
layer - tabaka
thought - düşünce
outer - Dış
scaring - korkutucu
chart - grafik
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
paper - kâğıt
wrong - Yanlış
pleiades - Ülker burcunun yedi yıldızı
prediction - tahmin
series - dizi
published - yayınlanan
radiation - radyasyon
random - rasgele
ratings - derecelendirme
since - dan beri
super - süper
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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