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I went to her grave.
There's a hole in the ground.
She's not dead, Zach.
Look, what kind of a grift is this?
This is not a grift.
Okay, okay.
Well, then why couldn't you tell me?
Because she died.
- What?
- She died.
She died, and she's not dead now.
I don't know why. But she's back.
Who cares why?
My daughter's alive, Zach.
Look, I am not stupid, okay?
And I will go to the police.
Tell me what happened.
The doorbell rang
about a half an hour after you left
the night we played chess,
and it was Beth.
We don't know how, okay?
Okay. Okay, great.
So this is not a grift, right?
So then what is it?
Because you said she was like really dead.
And then you said she wasn't dead.
So, what are you saying?
Are you saying that she just like
dug herself out of her own grave
- and then walked home?
- Yes.
I don't know.
Was it the type of snake?
Was it a poison that didn't...
That made her seem dead?
I'm not a herpetologist, Zach. I
don't know. She remembers nothing.
I mean, what, what is that?
She's dead, now she's not dead.
She wasn't really dead?
What is that? What are you saying?
Are you saying that she's a zombie?
She's my baby girl.
Stop saying that, please.
It's a resurrection.
- Resurrection!
- She's resurrected!
It's from the Old Testament.
Shouldn't we call someone at like Harvard
or MIT and have them study her?
- Keep your voice down. She's upstairs.
- Mom, have you seen my jewelry?
What is going on?
Sweetheart, it's in the Bankers Box
with your sticker collection.
Why is all my stuff in boxes now?
Not a word, Zach.
Hey, Zach.
Hey, Beth.
Do you want to go
hang out in the attic?
The attic? No. Why the attic?
Oh, I love it!
Go, Zach. Just go.
Go and tell her what you wanted to tell her
when you couldn't.
- Come on. It'll be fun.
- No. Hold on a sec.
You go first. I'm right behind you.
zombie - zombi
happened - olmuş
attic - çatı katı
doorbell - kapı zili
alive - canlı
grave - mezar
really - gerçekten mi
about - hakkında
great - harika
after - sonra
poison - zehir
because - Çünkü
herpetologist - herpetologist
study - ders çalışma
snake - yılan
behind - arkasında
bankers - bankacılar
walked - yürüdü
cares - bakımları
chess - satranç
police - Polis
collection - toplamak
sticker - etiket
wanted - aranan
harvard - harvard
going - gidiş
jewelry - takı
boxes - kutuları
night - gece
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
ground - Zemin
testament - ahit
first - ilk
played - oyunun
remembers - hatırlar
resurrection - diriliş
right - Sağ
resurrected - dirildi
someone - Birisi
saying - söz
stuff - şey
herself - kendini
voice - Ses
please - lütfen
stupid - aptal
sweetheart - bir tanem
grift - dolandırıcılık
upstairs - üst katta
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