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Öğrenmeye başla
Think the codes
are really there?
They most certainly are, darling.
And I gave them to the authorities.
Anonymously, of course.
We may be flat broke, my darling,
but we are not desperate.
I do hope Romanov doesn't come down
too hard on Sir Graham,
when he finds out
he bought the wrong fake.
That is disappointing.
Very disappointing.
Open your balls.
tell me about that tramp on the horse.
Oh, my darling, I tried desperately
to be unfaithful to you, I really did.
But I just couldn't do it.
It's a terrible moment
when you find yourself
falling in love
with your own spouse, isn't it?
Now, that is the look that softens
every bone in my body, except one.
Do you mean you are ready?
I see no obstacle to such a course.
My love, surely you recall
I have already been circumcised.
Mrs. Mortdecai, as you well know,
I am a man of few words.
I deeply, deeply love...
my moustache.
But... I have discovered...
that I love you... more.
Would you really do that for me?
For you, there is
nothing I would not do.
Well, in that case, Mr. Mortdecai,
I should be very pleased
if you would keep it.
Your gag reflex.
Try me.
I have never been so...
wrong - Yanlış
would - olur
words - kelimeler
falling - düşen
every - proszę uważać
should - meli
discovered - keşfedilen
certainly - kesinlikle
yourself - kendin
balls - taşaklar
softens - yumuşar
disappointing - umut kırıcı
course - kurs
ready - hazır
anonymously - anonim
bought - satın
desperate - umutsuz
pookie - pookie
authorities - yetkililer
reflex - refleks
about - hakkında
finds - buluntular
broke - kırdı
tramp - serseri
darling - sevgilim
never - asla
pleased - memnun
graham - graham
circumcised - sünnetli
horse - at
moment - an
except - dışında
moustache - bıyık
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
mortdecai - üç kağıtçı mortdecai
obstacle - engel
really - gerçekten mi
recall - hatırlama
deeply - derinden
romanov - romanov
desperately - umutsuzca
there - Orada
spouse - eş
codes - kodlar
surely - elbette
unfaithful - vefasız
terrible - korkunç
think - düşünmek
already - zaten
tried - denenmiş
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