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Öğrenmeye başla
He's only gone and
changed the ending!
Wow! All you did was
change her title
and she thought you were
a complete wanker!
That's Wan Kere
he was a 19th century
South American revolutionary.
This is gonna break her heart.
Yeah well, great.
Now all you gonna do is
make sure she reads it.
- Mission accomplished.
- Yeah.
You've given it a happy ending?
And your point?
The point is Jane's novel
doesn't end happily.
Well, who the hell wants to walk out
of a movie feeling miserable?
- You have to change it back.
- Well, I don't think so.
That script says more
about my love for her
than I can ever put into words.
She doesn't know it yet, does she?
Do you have any idea
what this'll do to her?
To both of you?
I made a mistake
and I can't take it back,
but Willie, if you truly
love her, change it.
What's going on here?
You just don't get her, do you?
Oh, I get her all right.
Every night I get her.
Any way up I fancy.
Hit a sick man, would you?
What's this?
Remind me, does the bridge
explode in the novel?
Hi, Janie, I'm home!
Any chance of a wee cup of tea?
I just don't understand how you
can do this over a dumb ending.
No, no you don't.
Well, if there is
any consolation, Janie,
I don't think me and you
would have worked out anyway.
I just don't get all that
worshipping your pain stuff.
Daddy issues.
would - olur
worked - işlenmiş
words - kelimeler
wanker - otuzbirci
understand - anlama
given - verilmiş
explode - patlamak
heart - kalp
great - harika
every - proszę uważać
anyway - neyse
daddy - baba
movie - film
complete - tamamlayınız
accomplished - başarılı
about - hakkında
revolutionary - devrimci
american - Amerikan
remind - hatırlatmak
thought - düşünce
truly - gerçekten
going - gidiş
miserable - sefil
consolation - teselli
century - yüzyıl
break - kırılma
bridge - köprü
fancy - fantezi
chance - şans
changed - değişmiş
happily - mutlu bir şekilde
issues - sorunlar
reads - okur
willie - willie
novel - yeni
mission - misyon
happy - mutlu
mistake - hata
point - puan
change - değişiklik
night - gece
feeling - duygu
right - Sağ
worshipping - tapınma
janie - janie
script - senaryo
ending - bitirme
gonna - olacak
south - güney
stuff - şey
there - Orada
wants - istiyor
think - düşünmek
title - başlık
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