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Öğrenmeye başla
We're closed!
Are you deaf?
I said, we're closed!
Do I know you?
It's Joe.
Come in.
Twenty years in the same room?
Jesus Christ,
I would have lost my mind.
Why would somebody do that to you?
What could you have possibly done?
Here, I think you could use this.
- No, I'm fine with coffee.
- Well, what are you gonna do, Joe?
Hello, Joseph. How was
your first day of freedom?
Who is this?
I believe that we are solely
responsible for our choices,
and we have to accept
the consequences
of every deed, word and thought
throughout our lifetime.
That was written
by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, Joseph.
And now, I want you to look at every
deed, word and thought
in the course
of your miserable existence.
There's more coming.
A formal proposal
that if you are successful, Joseph,
I think you will find peace.
I believe you may even find happiness.
Perhaps with that lovely daughter
of yours, Mia.
Mia has nothing to do with this.
yours - seninki
throughout - boyunca
successful - başarılı
would - olur
solely - sadece
responsible - sorumluluk sahibi
proposal - öneri
perhaps - belki
peace - barış
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
lovely - güzel
consequences - sonuçları
course - kurs
happiness - mutluluk
could - could
coffee - Kahve
believe - inanmak
choices - seçimler
coming - gelecek
accept - kabul etmek
christ - i̇sa
every - proszę uważać
think - düşünmek
closed - kapalı
daughter - kız evlat
years - Yıl
thought - düşünce
possibly - belki
formal - biçimsel
elisabeth - elisabeth
existence - varoluş
lifetime - ömür
first - ilk
freedom - özgürlük
miserable - sefil
gonna - olacak
written - yazılı
somebody - birisi
hello - merhaba
twenty - yirmi
jesus - isa
joseph - joseph
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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