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Öğrenmeye başla
Good news.
Your wife has come
to take you home.
It's about time.
What? Wait.
I'm married?
Hi, honey.
I do not recognize
this lady.
I was afraid
this would happen.
Did you bring the materials
we talked about?
I know this must be
very disorienting,
but here's our
marriage license.
My name is Leo Sullivan?
Yes. Your
Your great-great-grandfather,
Finbar Sullivan,
emigrated from Ireland,
to fight for Mexico
in the war of 1846.
That's gobbledygook!
It can't be true.
Honey, we have been
married for 15 years.
We have three
wonderful daughters.
There's no way
I have children.
And if I did, they'd be sons.
I'm just saying.
I have your passport,
your birth certificate...
Oh... Here's a photo
from our honeymoon.
We went to Reno?
Now I know you're lying.
Leo! Sweetie, stop puzzling.
- I'm puzzling.
You and I are Mr. and Mrs.
Leo Sullivan.
We met in Cancun.
You were a tour guide.
I was working
on a cruise ship.
Is any of this ringing a bell?
Nope. Nothing.
We dated
every time I docked.
We would get frozen
and watch the sunset
over the Playa Tortugas.
That's where
we fell in love.
Sounds like you're
a romantic, Leo.
Look, look, look.
I admit there are many
things I've forgotten,
but from the depths of my soul,
I know I'm not married
to this woman.
So, unless I see
some real proof,
I'm getting a slice
of pie at the cafeteria, hmm?
Good luck, crazy lady.
Wait, wait. Wait. Honey?
I didn't wanna
say this, because...
I know it embarrasses you.
You have a tattoo
of a cartoon mouse
on your right butt cheek.
No, I don't.
would - olur
working - çalışma
wonderful - olağanüstü
woman - kadın
watch - izlemek
tortugas - tortugas
three - üç
tattoo - dövme
years - Yıl
sullivan - sullivan
saying - söz
romantic - romantik
puzzling - şaşırtıcı
sunset - gün batımı
recognize - tanımak
proof - kanıt
yogurt - yoğurt
playa - playa
cheek - yanak
slice - 點擊一個單詞或突出顯示一個短語來查看翻譯
emigrated - göç
disorienting - disorienting
cancun - cancun
married - evli
docked - demirledi
wanna - istiyorum
gobbledygook - anlamsız söz
right - Sağ
finbar - Finbar
embarrasses - utandırıyor
great - harika
cruise - seyir
where - nerede
dated - tarihli
unless - olmadıkça
admit - itiraf etmek
crazy - çılgın
depths - derinlikleri
talked - konuştuk
every - proszę uważać
because - Çünkü
certificate - sertifika
birth - doğum
about - hakkında
afraid - korkmuş
daughters - kız çocukları
sounds - sesleri
bring - getirmek
cartoon - karikatür
honey - bal
there - Orada
mexico - Meksika
fight - kavga
finally - en sonunda
forgotten - unutulmuş
getting - alma
ringing - çınlama
children - çocuklar
frozen - dondurulmuş
things - eşyalar
grandfather - büyük baba
honeymoon - balayı
mouse - fare
license - lisans
sweetie - tatlım
happen - olmak
lying - yalan söyleme
marriage - evlilik
materials - malzemeler
cafeteria - kafeterya
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
guide - kılavuz
passport - pasaport
ireland - İrlanda
photo - fotoğraf
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