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Öğrenmeye başla
You've been accused of
practicing medicine without a license.
That's a very
grave charge, son.
Are you aware that it's
unlawful to
practice medicine without a
medical license ?
Yes, sir, I am.
Are you aware that
running a medical clinic
without the
proper licensing...
can place both you and the public
in a great deal of danger ?
ls a home a clinic, sir ?
If you are admitting patients
and treating them...
physical location
is irrelevant.
Sir, will you define
treatment for me ?
Yes. Treatment would
be defined as the care
of a patient seeking
medical attention.
Have you been treating patients,
Mr. Adams ?
Sir, I live with several people.
They come and go as they please.
I offer them
whatever help I can.
Mr. Adams...
have you or have you not
been treating patients at your ranch ?
Everyone who comes to the ranch
is a patient, yes.
And every person who comes
to the ranch is also a doctor.
I'm sorry ?
Every person who comes
to the ranch is in need...
of some form of physical
or mental help.
They're patients.
But also every person
who comes to the ranch
is in charge of taking
care of someone else--
whether it's cooking for them,
cleaning them...
or even as simple a task
as listening.
That makes them doctors.
I use that term
but is not a doctor someone who
helps someone else ?
When did the term ''doctor''
get treated with such reverence, as
''Right this
way, Doctor Smith'' or...
''Excuse me, Dr. Scholl
what wonderful footpads''...
or, ''Pardon me, Dr. Patterson,
but your flatulence has no order''?
At what point in history
did a doctor become more...
than a trusted and learned friend
who visited and treated the ill ?
Now, you ask me if
I've been practicing medicine.
Well, if this means opening
your door to those in need--
those in pain--
caring for them,
listening to them,
applying a cold cloth
until a fever breaks
if this is practicing medicine,
if this is treating a patient...
then I am guilty
as charged, sir.
Did you consider the ramifications
of your actions ?
What if one of your patients
had died ?
What's wrong
with death, sir ?
What are we so mortally
afraid of ?
Why can't we treat
death with a certain amount of
humanity and dignity and decency
and, God forbid, maybe even humor?
Death is not the enemy,
If we're gonna fight a
let's fight one of the most terrible
diseases of all - indifference.
Now, I've sat in your schools and heard
people lecture on transference
and professional distance.
is inevitable, sir.
Every human being
has an impact on another.
Why don't we want that in
a patient-doctor relationship ?
That's why I've listened to your
teachings, and I believe they're wrong.
A doctor's mission should be
not just to prevent death...
but also to improve
the quality of life.
That's why you treat a disease,
you win, you lose.
You treat a person, I
guarantee you, you win.
wrong - Yanlış
would - olur
wonderful - olağanüstü
visited - ziyaret
until - a kadar
unlawful - kanunsuz
trusted - güvenilir
treatment - Tedavi
treating - tedavi
transference - transfer
terrible - korkunç
teachings - öğretileri
simple - Basit
should - meli
several - Birkaç
taking - alma
seeking - arayan
schools - okullar
scholl - okul
running - koşu
reverence - hürmet
relationship - ilişki
gonna - olacak
gentlemen - beyler
doctors - Doktorlar
forbid - yasaklamak
fever - ateş
everyone - Herkes
every - proszę uważać
defined - tanımlanmış
doctor - doktor
treat - tedavi etmek
sorry - afedersiniz
dignity - haysiyet
diseases - hastalıklar
cooking - yemek pişirme
comes - geliyor
makes - markaları
broadly - geniş
license - lisans
helps - yardım eder
accused - sanık
another - bir diğeri
death - ölüm
place - yer
disease - hastalık
those - bu
practice - uygulama
means - anlamına geliyor
fight - kavga
charged - yüklü
attention - dikkat
actions - eylemler
decency - terbiye
admitting - itiraf
amount - tutar
maybe - olabilir
without - olmadan
danger - Tehlike
distance - mesafe
consider - düşünmek
afraid - korkmuş
adams - adams
charge - şarj etmek
cloth - bez
enemy - düşman
believe - inanmak
flatulence - tantana
breaks - sonları
caring - sempatik
heard - duymuş
licensing - ruhsat verme
human - insan
proper - Uygun
being - olmak
cleaning - temizlik
become - olmak
friend - arkadaş
person - kişi
grave - mezar
great - harika
aware - farkında
guilty - suçlu
patterson - patterson
ramifications - yansımaları
history - tarih
humanity - insanlık
someone - Birisi
clinic - klinik
mission - misyon
improve - iyileştirmek
indifference - kayıtsızlık
inevitable - kaçınılmaz
whatever - her neyse
irrelevant - ilgisiz
impact - darbe
patient - Hasta
treated - işlenmiş
ranch - çiftlik
applying - uygulayarak
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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