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I was gonna
tell you about that.
Are you judging Pakistan's
Next Top Model or something?
- Who are these women?
- Okay.
You know how we have
arranged marriage in my culture?
These are those women.
These are women in Pakistan
who want to marry you?
They're not in Pakistan.
You've met these women?
Just with my parents and
stuff, but we haven't, like...
But you're not serious
about this, are you?
It's my mom's thing.
I just go along with it.
So, what does your mom
think about you and me then?
She doesn't know about me,
does she?
Five fucking months
of red flags.
Oh, my God, I'm so stupid.
You ducking my parents.
Oh, my God, the two-day rule.
Red flag after red flag.
You're such a liar.
You lied to me.
You lied to your parents.
And those are just
the people you like.
Is there someone that
you're not lying to?
I'd love to meet them because
then I could tell them
- what a fucking liar you are!
- You know what?
You didn't tell me about
your divorce until recently.
So, you were hiding
fucking something, too.
My divorce does not mean
that our future is impossible.
It actually means
the direct opposite.
I'm not hiding anything
from you. Okay?
I'm an open fucking book.
Do you want to know
what's in my cigar box?
Stickers and stamps.
Aren't you a therapist? Aren't
you supposed to be good at handling...
Where are my fucking shoes?
Aren't you supposed to be,
like, able to deal with this better
than you are right now?
I am expressing myself!
You know what we call arranged
marriage in Pakistan, Emily?
Marriage. Okay?
We just call it marriage.
There's another type
of marriage.
It's called love marriage,
and that's bad.
My cousin Rehan
married an Irish woman,
and he was kicked
out of the family.
Nobody is allowed
to talk to him.
Why didn't you tell me
any of this?
Because I didn't think
you'd fucking understand,
and I was fucking right.
I'm fighting
a 1,400-year-old culture.
You were ugly in high school.
There's a big
fucking difference.
I'm sorry.
I can't lose my family.
Can you imagine
a world...
In which we end up together?
I don't know.
I have to go.
Don't fucking call me.
world - Dünya
woman - kadın
where - nerede
understand - anlama
those - bu
these - bunlar
therapist - terapist
supposed - sözde
stupid - aptal
stickers - çıkartmalar
until - a kadar
together - Birlikte
stamps - pullar
sorry - afedersiniz
something - bir şey
someone - Birisi
shoes - ayakkabı
seriously - cidden mi
there - Orada
school - okul
right - Sağ
stuff - şey
recently - son günlerde
people - insanlar
called - denilen
expressing - ifade eden
arranged - düzenlenmiş
ducking - ıslanma
allowed - izin
direct - direkt
marriage - evlilik
difference - fark
gonna - olacak
could - could
women - kadınlar
culture - kültür
serious - Ciddi
along - uzun bir
cigar - puro
irish - İrlanda
opposite - karşısında
nobody - kimse
cousin - hala kızı
about - hakkında
family - Aile
handling - kullanma
anything - her şey
another - bir diğeri
better - Daha iyi
married - evli
flags - bayraklar
after - sonra
impossible - imkansız
fucking - kahrolası
future - gelecek
thing - şey
hiding - gizleme
which - hangi
think - düşünmek
imagine - hayal etmek
kicked - tekmeledi
divorce - boşanma
marry - evlenmek
judging - yargılamak
actually - aslında
lying - yalan söyleme
means - anlamına geliyor
model - model
months - ay
because - Çünkü
myself - kendim
fighting - kavga
pakistan - Pakistan
emily - emily
parents - ebeveyn
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