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Öğrenmeye başla
Well, first of all,
I want to tell you what a fantastic
job you're doing, Miss Jane.
Oh! Thanks. I'm... I'm working
my butt off, but I love it.
I know.
That's why we're going
to have this talk.
I know how important
this play is to you,
and I wouldn't want
anything to jeopardize that.
Whoa, wait.
Am I in trouble?
No, no. Everything's fine.
It's just...
It's about Jason.
Some of us have noticed,
that your behavior with him lately
has been a little inappropriate.
I haven't done anything.
I know, but appearances
are important.
And people tend
to make assumptions.
Well, they shouldn't!
I know, I know. But... They do.
Now, I understand that you
want to pursue acting as a career.
Is that true?
May I offer
you some advice?
As you go out
on auditions,
you'll be meeting a lot
of men, powerful men,
who may be interested in you for
reasons other than your talent.
Now you're a very
attractive young woman,
and you may be tempted
to take advantage of that.
In the short term,
that may work.
But in the long term, people
might lose respect for you.
And they may find
you a little... trashy.
I know I sound harsh, but it's
only because I care about you,
and I want you to earn the respect
that you deserve as a woman,
not because of your body,
but because of your mind.
And that is why you need
to stay away from Jason.
trashy - değersiz
tempted - cazip
sound - ses
short - kısa
understand - anlama
thanks - teşekkürler
respect - saygı
reasons - nedenleri
pursue - sürdürmek
other - diğer
offer - teklif
talent - yetenek
noticed - fark
meeting - toplantı
woman - kadın
lately - son zamanlarda
jeopardize - tehlikeye atmak
because - Çünkü
young - genç
auditions - Seçmeler
behavior - davranış
assumptions - varsayımlar
advice - tavsiye
appearances - görünüşe
going - gidiş
attractive - çekici
about - hakkında
anything - her şey
powerful - Güçlü
important - önemli
people - insanlar
little - küçük
jason - jason
advantage - avantaj
trouble - sorun
first - ilk
career - kariyer
working - çalışma
inappropriate - Uygunsuz
doing - iş
might - belki
acting - oyunculuk
deserve - hak etmek
fantastic - fantastik
harsh - sert
interested - ilgili
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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