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Öğrenmeye başla
She's leaving you.
- Nonsense! - I am, though!
No, no, no. She is
not leaving me.
Certainly not... for a
common swindler like you.
Mr. Gatsby, exactly who are you, anyhow?
You see, I have made a small
investigation into your affairs.
You're one of Meyer Wolfshiem's bunch.
- Please, let's go home.
See, he and this Wolfshiem...
they bought up a lot of drugstores.
And sold bootlegged alcohol
over the counter.
What about it, old sport?
- Don't you call me "old sport."
And this drugstore business
is just small change
compared to this bonds stunt that
you and Wolfshiem have got going on.
Your friend Walter
Chase isn't too proud... come in on this?
- I've been giving that some thought.
How does a reputable banker
like Walter Chase find himself
up to his eyeballs in debt...
- I'll tell you how. - a
little kike like Wolfshiem? -
It's called greed, old sport.
- That's right!
And you have half of Wall Street
out there swilling your free booze
at that fun park every weekend. I'm
surprised he hasn't tried to drag you in.
My God, he has. - He's got nothing to
do with... - With your little racket.
Daisy. Daisy! Can't you
see who this guy is...
...with his house and his parties
and his fancy clothes?
He is just a front for Wolfshiem,
a gangster... get his claws into respectable folk
like Walter Chase.
The only respectable thing about you,
old sport, is your money.
Your money, that's it. Now I've just as
much as you. That means we're equal.
Oh, no. No.
We're different.
I am. They are. She is.
We're all different from you.
You see, we were born different.
It's in our blood... and nothing
that you do or say or steal...
...or dream up can ever change that.
A girl like Daisy...
- You shut up!
Shut up! You shut up!
Shut up! Shut up!
Gatsby looked, in that moment...
as if he had... killed a man.
My sincerest...
My sincerest apologies.
I seem to have... lost my temper.
That's right, Mr. Gatsby.
Show us some of those fine
Oxford manners. - Daisy, darling.
None of this has any consequence.
Daisy. Daisy, talk to me, darling.
I just lost my temper, that's all.
He began talking excitedly...
...but with every word Daisy was
drawing further and further into herself.
wolfshiem - wolfshiem
weekend - hafta sonu
those - bu
walter - Walter
there - Orada
temper - öfke
surprised - şaşırmış
street - sokak
sincerest - içten
sport - spor
respectable - saygın
reputable - saygın
please - lütfen
swilling -
oxford - Oxford
thing - şey
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
nonsense - saçmalık
money - para
meyer - meyer
means - anlamına geliyor
little - küçük
killed - öldürdü
investigation - soruşturma
house - ev
small - küçük
common - Ortak
clothes - çamaşırlar
claws - pençeler
giving - vererek
chase - kovalamak
exactly - kesinlikle
change - değişiklik
called - denilen
eyeballs - gözbebekleri
right - Sağ
certainly - kesinlikle
business - iş
parties - partiler
excitedly - heyecanla
though - gerçi
bought - satın
booze - alem
herself - kendini
leaving - ayrılma
anyhow - nasıl olsa
affairs - işler
alcohol - alkol
different - farklı
front - Ön
bunch - demet
bonds - tahviller
himself - kendisi
began - başladı
further - ayrıca
bootlegged - bootlegged
stunt - hüner
friend - arkadaş
racket - raket
counter - sayaç
talking - konuşma
steal - çalmak
about - hakkında
daisy - papatya
proud - gururlu
moment - an
drugstore - eczane
darling - sevgilim
tried - denenmiş
banker - bankacı
consequence - sonuç
drawing - çizim
blood - kan
gatsby - gatsby'si
swindler - dolandırıcı
dream - rüya
compared - karşılaştırıldığında
drugstores - eczaneler
thought - düşünce
greed - hırs
manners - görgü
equal - eşit
every - proszę uważać
fancy - fantezi
looked - baktı
apologies - özür
gangster - gangster
going - gidiş
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