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Öğrenmeye başla
My hand is powdered,
so the shake is firm and dry.
My clothes precisely walk the tightrope
between casual and relaxed formality.
Let me do the talking.
- Alright?
- Okay.
Mr. Burley.
While I am aware that
convention dictates that I should wait
for your assessment of our proposal...
please take my interruption
less as rudeness than proof...
of our profound excitement
at the opportunity to meet yourself...
and your fine company.
That's enough, that's enough.
We agreed that my colleague would do
the speaking and rightly so for
while her language may be... salty,
it has great economy and pith.
I don't care about any of that.
No, listen and learn, son.
Tea is a herb that's been dried out.
So to bring it back to life, you have
to infuse it in boiling water.
That is boiling water.
Everywhere I've been in this country...
they slap down
a cup of tepid nonsense...
you know with the teabag
lying beside it...
which means I've got to go through the
ridiculous business of dunking it
in the lukewarm piss...
waiting for the slightest change
of color to occur.
And at my age I haven't got the time.
This is what I'm talking about.
would - olur
which - hangi
tightrope - ip
teabag - çay poşeti
speaking - konuşuyorum
shake - sallamak
salty - tuzlu
rightly - haklı olarak
ridiculous - gülünç
waiting - bekleme
should - meli
dunking - dunking
clothes - çamaşırlar
dictates - emirlerini
listen - dinlemek
between - arasında
please - lütfen
slightest - ufak
company - Şirket
colleague - çalışma arkadaşı
burley - burley
proposal - öneri
yourself - kendin
business - iş
alright - peki
country - ülke
assessment - değerlendirme
convention - kongre
occur - meydana
dried - kurutulmuş
agreed - kabul
language - dil
talking - konuşma
about - hakkında
aware - farkında
color - renk
beside - yanında
infuse - aşılamak
through - vasitasiyla
casual - gündelik
bring - getirmek
economy - ekonomi
enough - yeterli
nonsense - saçmalık
while - süre
tepid - ılık
powdered - toz haline getirilmiş
everywhere - her yerde
excitement - heyecan
learn - öğrenmek
formality - formalite
opportunity - fırsat
water - su
change - değişiklik
relaxed - rahatlamış
great - harika
boiling - kaynamak
interruption - kesinti
lukewarm - ılık
lying - yalan söyleme
precisely - tam
profound - derin
rudeness - edepsizlik
means - anlamına geliyor
proof - kanıt
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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