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Öğrenmeye başla
I have it!
Jules Verne.
- Right up your alley, I would think.
- Photonic, right?
Or what's left of one.
What's left of all of them.
I am the last, and "these fragments
I have shored against my ruins."
T.S. Eliot.
You wouldn't know him yet,
but he is so depressing, yet so divine.
Oh, I'm sorry. The lending library
is temporarily out of service.
Not to worry. I
have them all right here...
every page
of every volume.
Can you tell me
what's happening here?
Well, my sources are
no longer fully annotated,
and my information is
somewhat anecdotal,
but I believe what was once one race...
is now two.
One above and one below.
Two distinct species that have evolved.
And how do those
below survive?
That is the real
question, isn't it?
I don't believe it.
if you don't like the answers,
you should avoid asking the questions.
Look at them.
They have no knowledge of the
past, no ambition for the future.
- So lucky.
- Why would you say something like that?
Can you even imagine what it's like
to remember everything?
I remember a six-year-old girl who asked me
about dinosaurs 800,000 years ago.
I remember the last book I recommended:
Look Homeward, Angel, by Thomas Wolfe.
And yes, I even remember you.
Time travel: practical application.
would - olur
worry - endişelenmek
volume - hacim
verne - Verne
travel - seyahat
thomas - thomas
these - bunlar
temporarily - geçici
survive - hayatta kalmak
species - türler
sources - kaynaklar
sorry - afedersiniz
something - bir şey
wolfe - wolfe
evolved - gelişti
knowledge - bilgi
divine - ilahi
everything - her şey
distinct - farklı
every - proszę uważać
years - Yıl
fully - tamamen
below - altında
alley - geçit
asked - diye sordu
ambition - hırs
those - bu
recommended - tavsiye edilen
fragments - fragmanları
avoid - önlemek
right - Sağ
think - düşünmek
imagine - hayal etmek
against - karşısında
believe - inanmak
above - yukarıdaki
photonic - fotonik
anecdotal - anekdot
should - meli
dinosaurs - dinazorlar
annotated - açıklamalı
answers - cevaplar
future - gelecek
application - uygulama
jules - jules
happening - olay
somewhat - biraz
remember - hatırlamak
ruins - kalıntılar
depressing - iç karartıcı
homeward - yurda doğru
about - hakkında
information - bilgi
asking - sormak
lending - borç verme
library - kütüphane
longer - uzun
lucky - şanslı
practical - pratik
question - soru
questions - sorular
angel - melek
service - hizmet
shored - shored
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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