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Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
Öğrenmeye başla
You're just in time.
- Come.
- What is this?
- Valissa, the in-between place.
- Is she dead?
No. She is... becoming.
She took a poison.
It allows her to visit the Sacred World.
When she returns,
she'll see this world with new eyes.
I don't understand what this is.
We have long known
there is more than just this world.
When my father
first brought me down here...
...I felt as you do now...
...but I have since been
to the Sacred World many times.
My eyes see beyond the surface
of so many things.
- I see much about you.
- Such as?
I can see you've loved a Lycan...
- killed a vampire Elder, and given birth...
- Stop.
I see you've lost your daughter...
...and how much pain
this gives you deep inside...
...where you will always hide it.
She's a special child.
Many battles will be fought...
...and lost over her.
- What else do you see?
- Darkness.
One that touches us all.
If you want to keep her safe,
you will need to go further...
than even a warrior of your renown
has ever ventured before.
I have seen so much war... much killing.
I cannot bear more.
The peace you will feel here is real.
It seeps into your skin
and comforts your soul.
Tell me about the Sacred World.
The water is the path.
world - Dünya
where - nerede
warrior - savaşçı
visit - ziyaret etmek
given - verilmiş
becoming - olma
seeps - sızıntıları
further - ayrıca
special - özel
ventured - cesaret
elder - yaşça büyük
daughter - kız evlat
gives - verir
loved - sevilen
vampire - vampir
child - çocuk
brought - getirdi
things - eşyalar
valissa - valissa
always - Her zaman
fought - kavga etti
cannot - yapamam
peace - barış
poison - zehir
allows - verir
birth - doğum
first - ilk
comforts - konforları
known - bilinen
about - hakkında
between - arasında
touches - dokunuşlar
beyond - ötesinde
father - baba
times - zamanlar
battles - savaşlar
before - önce
sacred - kutsal
inside - içeride
killed - öldürdü
killing - öldürme
lycan - Lycan
place - yer
renown - ün
darkness - karanlık
returns - döner
since - dan beri
water - su
surface - Yüzey
there - Orada
understand - anlama
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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