Film ve kitaplardan gerçek İngilizce'yi öğrenin.

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those nasıl okunur


Those sözcüğünü içeren filmlerden örnekler

of those two communities a combined 1,531 years of their lives
Margin Call - A Bridge
There are, of course, those who do not want us to speak.
V for Vendetta - The Revolutionary Speech
...and, for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth.
V for Vendetta - The Revolutionary Speech
Well, certainly there are those who are more responsible than others.
V for Vendetta - The Revolutionary Speech
No, those wouldn't be gifts.
Teeth - The Promise
And in those years you become something different.
Lions for Lambs - Malley on Adulthood
But they did get those first 5 points, so they're up to 20 points.
Spare Parts - The Competition Begins
to everyone that you ever given one of those fucking iPads to?
Sex Tape - Who Else Has These Things?
But this week, with those poor children,
Child 44 - Blood On Our Hands
If those affidavits are legitimate, you shouldn't have an objection.
North Country - A Class Action
There are those in my country who will use this issue to weaken me.
The Sum of All Fears - I Like Him
You're guaranteed one of those three prizes.
Matchstick Men - Guaranteed Prizes
and then we'll decide which one of those prizes you get.
Matchstick Men - Guaranteed Prizes
Then you might want to get one of those Word-A-Day calendars, General
The Core - The Earth Will Be Cooked
those that been down, and those that gonna go down.
Biker Boyz - No More Racing
- And now about those crаbs... - Yeah. They were delicious.
A Guy Thing - Crab Medicine
And that their daddy would do whatever he had to for those he loved.
Mystic River - Daddy is a King
And those girls fell asleep at peace.
Mystic River - Daddy is a King

Those sözcüğünün sesli telaffuzu

Amerikan telaffuzu

Those sözcüğünün Ivy tarafından telaffuz edilişi (çocuk, kız)
Those sözcüğünün Joanna tarafından telaffuz edilişi (kadın)
Those sözcüğünün Kendra tarafından telaffuz edilişi (kadın)
Those sözcüğünün Kimberly tarafından telaffuz edilişi (kadın)
Those sözcüğünün Salli tarafından telaffuz edilişi (kadın)
Those sözcüğünün Joey tarafından telaffuz edilişi (erkek)
Those sözcüğünün Justin tarafından telaffuz edilişi (çocuk, erkek çocuk)
Those sözcüğünün Matthew tarafından telaffuz edilişi (erkek)

Britanya telaffuzu

Those sözcüğünün Amy tarafından telaffuz edilişi (kadın)
Those sözcüğünün Emma tarafından telaffuz edilişi (kadın)
Those sözcüğünün Brian tarafından telaffuz edilişi (erkek)