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Почати навчання
As I watched
Danni's little round ass,
the same one that I had
eaten the night before,
prior to finger-fucking
her to six orgasms,
and when I saw those tacky ten-dollar
flowers from dickless little Steve,
I couldn't control myself.
Fuck him. Fuck her.
I'm not some fuck toy to be
played with and tossed aside.
She needs me.
Whether she knows it or not.
I'm so clumsy.
It's okay.
Just be careful.
I'll replace the vase.
It's fine. Here.
I'm sorry.
The flowers are beautiful.
Did he fuck up?
We just had a disagreement.
Do you want to talk about it?
Just us girls?
Steve's now
pressuring me to move in.
Don't ever let
a man pressure you.
He's a really good guy.
They all start that way.
How well do you know Steve?
We met back when
we were freshmen in college,
but we just started dating
a couple years ago.
He was really there for me
when my father passed away.
What happened to him?
Car accident.
Drunk driver.
I'm so sorry.
I know how you feel.
I lost my father when
I was eight years old.
Hold out your hand.
This is an extra
key to my apartment.
Why? What for?
If you ever need
your own space,
or you just want to get
away from Larry or Steve,
it's there for you.
Thank you.
You know, funny enough,
Larry's the reason I go home.
I don't want to leave him
alone with my mother.
Steve just
doesn't understand that.
I understand.
You want to
protect your mother.
Every daughter does.
years - років
whether - чи то
understand - зрозуміти
tossed - кинули
those - ті
there - там
steve - стів
started - почався
sorry - вибачте
round - круглий
reason - причина
watched - спостерігав
really - дійсно
protect - захистити
eight - вісім
played - зіграв
drunk - п'яний
thank - спасибі
dollar - долар
daughter - дочка
alone - поодинці
space - простір
apartment - квартира
freshmen - першокурсники
fucking - ебать
beautiful - гарний
dating - знайомство
clumsy - незграбний
couple - пара
start - почати
replace - замінити
accident - аварія
careful - обережно
eaten - їв
college - коледж
enough - достатньо
disagreement - розбіжності
larry - ларрі
aside - в сторону
driver - водій
before - раніше
myself - я сам
finger - палець
every - кожен
extra - додатково
father - батько
passed - пройшло
flowers - квіти
funny - смішно
knows - знає
girls - дівчатка
happened - сталося
dickless - бездоганний
mother - мама
control - контроль
pressure - тиск
leave - залишати
little - мало
needs - потреби
night - ніч
orgasms - оргазм
about - про
pressuring - тиск
tacky - липкий
prior - попередньо
Натисніть на слово або виділіть фразу щоб побачити переклад
Натисніть на "плюс" щоб додати слово до вивчання
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