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Почати навчання
On behalf of the prom committee.
I wanna thank each and every one of you for...
making our "Light of the World" prom a huge success.
Give yourself a round of applause.
But on a sadder note...
I don't want to dampen the evening...
but the students who were responsible
for the attacks on our school
have infiltrated our prom.
Pastor Skip?
Mary Cummings and Cassandra Edelstein
have crashed our prom.
Could you please...
Maybe we should get out of here, okay?
We're not going anywhere.
Roland, where have you been?
I've been very worried about you.
You look like you survived.
- Excuse me. - Finally.
All right. Chill out, everybody.
I don't think these students are here to do us any harm.
- What? Are you kidding? - No, I'm not kidding.
I think the Christian thing to do
would be to let them stay.
The Christian thing to do?
I've been doing the Christian thing my entire life.
I did not have sex with a gay
and try and blame it on Jesus.
- Just cool it, Hil. - Shut up, you fornicator.
And I did not hack into the school's computer system
and cover our walls
with that blasphemous graffiti, either.
You planted that paint on Cassandra and Mary
to get them kicked out of school.
That's such a lie.
Oh, please.
And what does this prove,
except the fact that you stole my credit card
to charge the paint...
and the clothes from Maternity Girl.
Yeah, she's right, Roland.
Anybody could've made these charges.
Oh, yeah?
You swear to God you didn't frame us, Hilary Faye?
No, I will not.
You can't swear, can you?
Go ahead, swear it.
Come on, Hil. Swear before God and everyone else.
All right, I swear.
I swear to God I did not graffiti our school.
Are you guys happy?
Oh, yes, you did, Hilary Faye.
I found this crammed up under her seat.
It's got your signature, Hilary Faye.
Come on, Veronica. Let's go. - Let me go!
You are nothing but a big fake!
I think you should go, Hilary.
Step aside, please.
- Hil... - Get away from me!
- You really should go now. - You go!
I designed these decorations here, okay?
And my father donated the refreshments!
And I got Godflight onstage, okay?
And I was just doing this because Jesus told me to.
He did!
Now, you, get out of my way!
All of you, get out of my way!
yourself - самі
world - Світ
wanna - хочу
under - під
thank - спасибі
survived - вижив
success - успіх
should - повинен
school - школа
sadder - сумніше
right - правильно
responsible - відповідальний
please - будь ласка
paint - фарбувати
prove - довести
onstage - на сцені
thing - річ
nothing - нічого
walls - стіни
maternity - материнство
light - світло
kicked - ногами
roland - роленд
infiltrated - проникли
system - система
hilary - Хіларі
happy - щасливий
graffiti - графіті
cover - обкладинка
pastor - пастор
cassandra - Кассандра
think - думай
crammed - набитий
computer - комп'ютер
committee - комітет
would - б
credit - кредит
making - виготовлення
godflight - vol de dieu
signature - підпис
clothes - одяг
where - де
christian - християнин
veronica - вероніка
chill - застуда
evening - вечір
blasphemous - блюзнірський
worried - стурбований
these - ці
blame - винен
kidding - жартуй
charges - збори
anybody - ніхто
charge - платити
could - міг
anywhere - де завгодно
cummings - cummings
refreshments - закуски
everybody - кожен
fornicator -
students - студенти
behalf - від імені
jesus - Ісус
dampen - зволожити
ahead - вперед
before - раніше
about - про
going - йдемо
crashed - розбився
frame - [object Object]
applause - оплески
designed - розроблений
finally - нарешті
planted - посадили
aside - в сторону
doing - робити
stole - вкрав
father - батько
donated - пожертвував
round - круглий
except - окрім
decorations - прикраси
either - або
entire - цілий
because - оскільки
every - кожен
swear - клянусь
really - дійсно
attacks - атаки
everyone - кожен
found - знайдено
maybe - може бути
excuse - вибачте
Натисніть на слово або виділіть фразу щоб побачити переклад
Натисніть на "плюс" щоб додати слово до вивчання
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