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How to pronounce hold in English


Examples from movies with Hold

- as big as hell can hold. - Shall you hear more?
Cymbeline - He Hath Enjoyed Her
- I gotta take a leak. - Just sit still. Sit still. Hold on.
Life of Crime - A New Plan
She's always getting stuck with people who don't hold up their end.
Kate & Leopold - Who Are You?
If you hold this, things will work out. I know it.
Down to You - First Real Kiss
If the press got hold of this it would tarnish the Navy irreparably.
Burning Blue - A Disgrace to the Uniform
Wait. Hold on, guys. How are we supposed to get 370 feet into the earth?
As Above, So Below - The Catacombs
If I told you you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?
Joe Dirt - You're My Sister!
or hold on to the blessing of light.
Noah - Creation Sequence
Hold on, now. It's a detail. We can look at it.
Get Low - A Funeral Party
Desperate attempt to hold on to whatever shred of masculinity that I have left?
Love Happens - Burke Is Rusty
The Chameleons still hold many of our people as slaves.
AE: Apocalypse Earth - Uniting Two Peoples
I'm hopeful that one day I will hold one of your letters in my hands
The Kite Runner - Hassan's Letter
I'm gonna put you on hold. Stay by the phone.
Hotel Rwanda - A Grave Situation
I gotta die before the disease gets a hold of me.
Realive - I Need Your Help
Could you hold on one second?
Get Out - She's a Genius

Audio pronunciation of Hold

American pronunciation

Hold pronounced by Ivy (child, girl)
Hold pronounced by Joanna (female)
Hold pronounced by Kendra (female)
Hold pronounced by Kimberly (female)
Hold pronounced by Salli (female)
Hold pronounced by Joey (male)
Hold pronounced by Justin (child, boy)
Hold pronounced by Matthew (male)

British pronunciation

Hold pronounced by Amy (female)
Hold pronounced by Emma (female)
Hold pronounced by Brian (male)