تعلم الإنجليزية الحقيقية من الأفلام والكتب.
أضف كلمات أو عبارات للتعلم والتدريب مع متعلمين آخرين.
استخدم شريط التمرير لتحرير بداية ونهاية مقطع الفيديو
انقر فوق رموز التدريب التي تريد إضافة العبارة لها لمزيد من الدراسة
انقر كلمة أو أبرز عبارة لرؤية الترجمة
انقر "زائد" لإضافة كلمة/عبارة للتعلم
ابدأ التعلم
Where would you say that we are?
...it looks like King's Cross station.
Only cleaner.
And without all the trains.
King's Cross, is that right?
This is, as they say, your party.
I expect you now realize
that you and Voldemort...
...have been connected by
something other than fate...
...since that night in Godric's
Hollow all those years ago.
So it's true then, sir?
A part of him lives within me, doesn't it?
It was just destroyed many moments ago
by none other than Voldemort himself.
You were the Horcrux he
never meant to make, Harry.
I have to go back, haven't I?
Oh. That's up to you.
- I have a choice?
- Oh, yes.
We're in King's Cross, you say?
I think, if you so desired,
you'd be able to board a train.
And where would it take me?
Voldemort has the Elder Wand.
- And the snake's still alive.
- Yes.
And I've nothing to kill it with.
Help will always be given at Hogwarts,
Harry, to those who ask for it.
I've always prized myself on
my ability to turn a phrase.
Words are, in my not
so humble opinion...
...our most inexhaustible
source of magic...
...capable of both inflicting
injury and remedying it.
But I would, in this case, amend
my original statement to this:
Help will always be given at
Hogwarts to those who deserve it.
Do not pity the dead, Harry.
Pity the living.
And, above all, all those
who live without love.
Professor, my mother's
Patronus was a doe, wasn't it?
That's the same as Professor Snape's.
It's curious, don't you think?
Actually, if I think about it, it
doesn't seem curious at all.
- I'll be going now, Harry.
- Professor?
Is this all real?
Or is it just happening inside my head?
Of course it's happening
inside your head, Harry.
Why should that mean that it's not real?
years - سنوات
words - كلمات
where - أين
voldemort - فولدمورت
trains - القطارات
train - قطار
those - أولئك
without - بدون
think - يفكر
still - ما يزال
source - مصدر
should - ينبغي
right - حق
remedying - виправлення
realize - أدرك
phrase - العبارة
patronus - patronus
party - حفل
given - معطى
deserve - استحق
injury - إصابه
elder - المسنين
humble - متواضع
curious - فضولي
prized - قصب السبق
cross - تعبر
actually - فعلا
desired - مرغوب
professor - دكتور جامعى
connected - متصل
ability - القدرة
himself - نفسه
within - في غضون
station - محطة
expect - توقع
alive - على قيد الحياة
something - شيئا ما
inside - في داخل
original - أصلي
board - مجلس
always - دائما
night - ليل
magic - سحر
going - ذاهب
amend - تعديل
never - أبدا
capable - قادر على
statement - بيان
happening - حدث
moments - لحظات
horcrux - الهوركروكس
harry - هاري
would - سيكون
hogwarts - هوجورتس
hollow - أجوف
since - منذ
looks - تبدو
inexhaustible - لا ينضب
course - دورة
inflicting - إلحاق
lives - الأرواح
above - في الاعلى
choice - خيار
living - المعيشة
meant - مقصود
myself - نفسي
cleaner - منظف
about - حول
other - آخر
nothing - لا شيئ
destroyed - دمر
opinion - رأي
انقر كلمة أو أبرز عبارة لرؤية الترجمة
انقر "زائد" لإضافة كلمة/عبارة للتعلم
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