تعلم الإنجليزية الحقيقية من الأفلام والكتب.

أضف كلمات أو عبارات للتعلم والتدريب مع متعلمين آخرين.


كيف تنطق guy بالإنجليزية

  • شخص
  • صبي
  • فتي
  • غلام
  • تنكر
  • سخر

أمثلة أفلام بها كلمة Guy

And it was up to this guy right here
Casino - The Count Room
Playing a guy who ain't smart but thinks he is,
Tropic Thunder - Never Go Full Retard
What's this guy standin' in line for He ain't got money to eat
8 Mile - The Lunch Truck
This guy cashed his whole check and bought one Ho-Ho
8 Mile - The Lunch Truck
This guy's starvin' to death Someone get him a biscuit
8 Mile - The Lunch Truck
Hey, why you fuckin' with the gay guy, "G"
8 Mile - The Lunch Truck
A guy like you would never get a real woman You jackass, go jack off
8 Mile - The Lunch Truck
You know, the one with the guy in the white mask
Scream - Do You Like Scary Movies?
Is that the one where the guy had knives for fingers?
Scream - Do You Like Scary Movies?
Said the guy's name was Bob Lee Swagger.
Shooter - Mister Rate's Advice
I needed this guy back when I was a kid. I don't need you now.
Warrior - You're Trying?
Looks and personality. Double-threat guy.
Liar Liar - Big Liar
I don't know what he's called exactly, but he's a little guy.
Bad Santa - My F*** Stick
Look, little guy. You see that guy right there?
Honey - Raymond Gets a Haircut
I just hope we get the chance to say hello to this guy someday
Kick-Ass 2 - Justice Forever
Battle Guy, care to update your résumé?
Kick-Ass 2 - Justice Forever
All right, we'll let you off the hook this time, Battle Guy.
Kick-Ass 2 - Justice Forever

النطق الصوتي لكلمة Guy

النطق باللهجة الأمريكية

Guy تُنطق Ivy (طفل, بنت)
Guy تُنطق Joanna (مؤنث)
Guy تُنطق Kendra (مؤنث)
Guy تُنطق Kimberly (مؤنث)
Guy تُنطق Salli (مؤنث)
Guy تُنطق Joey (مذكر)
Guy تُنطق Justin (طفل, ولد)
Guy تُنطق Matthew (مذكر)

النطق باللهجة الأمريكية

Guy تُنطق Amy (مؤنث)
Guy تُنطق Emma (مؤنث)
Guy تُنطق Brian (مذكر)

الكلمات المشابه لكلمة Guy