تعلم الإنجليزية الحقيقية من الأفلام والكتب.

أضف كلمات أو عبارات للتعلم والتدريب مع متعلمين آخرين.


كيف تنطق ve بالإنجليزية


أمثلة أفلام بها كلمة Ve

I've always believed, if done properly
Thelma & Louise - A Real Outlaw
I'm tired! I've been under a lot of stress.
City Slickers - I Hate Bullies
And I've got some sort of rash from making in the bushes.
City Slickers - I Hate Bullies
He'll buy that boat I've had to look at in that stupid catalogue for three years.
Lost in America - Quit Your Job
Now, all right, I've got things to do.
Lost in America - Quit Your Job
Well, you should've tried between "Chapels" and "Charm schools."
Wild Card - What Are Your Qualifications?
I've... I've been talking to him a lot, Noah, and... and he wants to apologize.
Wish I Was Here - Maybe You Can Believe in Family
So I've been pretending to be my brother
She's the Man - I'm Viola
Oh, now that you've puked your way to the bottom, you might actually consider me?
Pitch Perfect - Fat Amy
but you've got time to sit here and Google your ass off.
Wanted - Wesley's Breakdown
You've got your review coming up next week,
Wanted - Wesley's Breakdown
But believe me, I've been looking forward to this moment my whole life.
Twins - Not Identical Twins
I've been on my island, I'm telling you.
Twins - Not Identical Twins
you've gotta talk into the phone, bozo.
Twins - Not Identical Twins
I've got another six hours to pay the money back.
Twins - Not Identical Twins

النطق الصوتي لكلمة Ve

النطق باللهجة الأمريكية

Ve تُنطق Ivy (طفل, بنت)
Ve تُنطق Joanna (مؤنث)
Ve تُنطق Kendra (مؤنث)
Ve تُنطق Kimberly (مؤنث)
Ve تُنطق Salli (مؤنث)
Ve تُنطق Joey (مذكر)
Ve تُنطق Justin (طفل, ولد)
Ve تُنطق Matthew (مذكر)

النطق باللهجة الأمريكية

Ve تُنطق Amy (مؤنث)
Ve تُنطق Emma (مؤنث)
Ve تُنطق Brian (مذكر)