This is goodbye
Once, before ancient times, a circle of knights
Were sworn to the queen of magic arts
An oath to usher her daughter to where
She'd just tear them all apart
Betrayer, promise breaker, beautiful liar
In your innocent blue-eyed blindness
Selfish princess, go be unbound
But you'll burn your wings and hit the ground
See her beauty so pure
She seems like the cure
To all been deluded by her light
yours - tuya
wings - alas
wherever - donde quiera
usher - ujier
times - veces
through - mediante
think - pensar
gathered - reunido
blamed - culpada
before - antes de
deluded - engañado
deeds - andanzas
sworn - jurado
could - podría
fruits - frutas
claimed - reclamado
daughter - hija
ground - suelo
knights - caballeros
light - ligero
better - mejor
behind - detrás
circle - circulo
unbound - sin consolidar
blindness - ceguera
feathers - plumas
beauty - belleza
ancient - antiguo
betrayal - traición
where - dónde
beautiful - hermosa
goodbye - adiós
spoils - botín
fight - lucha
betrayer - traidor
apart - aparte
magic - magia
breaker - interruptor automático
going - yendo
hands - manos
innocent - inocente
harder - más fuerte
intentions - intenciones
promise - promesa
heard - oído
leads - conduce
princess - princesa
queen - reina
remember - recuerda
seems - parece
selfish - egoísta
spell - deletrear
sweet - dulce
spread - untado
story - historia
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