This is the long drop method it was supposed to be more humane

Measure your height and your weight to break your neck with your hand

Sometimes they use a shore drop or they use a crane

Either way the victim dies in agonizing pain

But if the calculations ain't correct when the rope's set

The rope will rip the head right off the motherfucker's neck

My appointment at the gallows x emerging from the shadows

With a vendetta beetle who wanna battle

Man you gon' get whipped in flaw shackle to an A-frame

Beaten full force until you can't repeat your own name

Till you smell the smell of burn and flesh

Keep you alive until you pray for death

Drawn in the corner disembowel until there's nothing left

Saudi Arabia amputation for petty death

Li chin translated this the leader in death

A rubber tie filled with gas around your arms and chest

whipped - azotado
whatever - lo que sea
victim - víctima
until - hasta
uncut - sin cortar
thing - cosa
storm - tormenta
south - sur
sometimes - a veces
smell - oler
filled - lleno
translated - traducido
emerging - emergentes
either - ya sea
bullshit - mierda
everything - todo
coming - viniendo
shore - apuntalar
supposed - supuesto
disembowel - desentrañar
calculations - cálculos
agonizing - agonizante
drawn - dibujado
correct - [object Object]
caucasian - caucásico
contested - disputado
petty - pequeño
through - mediante
china - china
prison - prisión
corazon - corazon
forced - forzado
weight - peso
heard - oído
ahead - adelante
ancient - antiguo
break - descanso
humane - humano
family - familia
amputation - amputación
measure - medida
arabia - arabia
wheel - rueda
remember - recuerda
expect - esperar
death - muerte
anyone - nadie
loading - cargando
alive - viva
promise - promesa
about - acerca de
information - información
apart - aparte
african - [object Object]
chest - pecho
clean - limpiar
received - recibido
always - siempre
inquisition - inquisición
sound - sonar
crane - grua
appointment - cita
castle - castillo
beaten - vencido
asian - asiático
battle - batalla
force - fuerza
broken - roto
rather - más bien
never - nunca
compassion - compasión
bullets - balas
frame - marco
fucking - maldito
waterboard - Tabla de agua
gallows - horca
gates - puertas
rubber - caucho
government - gobierno
maiden - doncella
vendetta - vendetta
guillotine - guillotina
hands - manos
beetle - escarabajo
breaking - rotura
picked - escogido
height - altura
wings - alas
impaled - empalado
whipping - flagelación
injections - inyecciones
flesh - carne
kneel - arrodillarse
corner - esquina
around - alrededor
front - frente
leader - líder
lethal - letal
behind - detrás
makes - hace

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