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Patton - A Weather Prayer (Es)

Escena de la película Patton
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    Categoría: Movie Scenes
    guion de vídeo
    palabras a estudiar

    - You want to see me, general?
    - Oh, yeah, chaplain.

    I'm sick and tired of 3rd Army
    having to fight with Germans...

    ...with supreme command,
    no gasoline...

    ...and now this ungodly weather.

    I want a prayer, a weather prayer.

    A weather prayer, sir?

    Yes, let's see if you can't get God
    working with us.

    Gonna take a pretty thick rug
    for that kind of praying.

    I don't care if it
    takes a flying carpet.

    I don't know how this
    is gonna be received, general.

    Praying for good weather
    so we can kill our fellow man.

    I'd like to assure you sir, because of
    my intimate relations with the Almighty

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