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- You want to see me, general?
- Oh, yeah, chaplain.
I'm sick and tired of 3rd Army
having to fight with Germans...
...with supreme command,
no gasoline...
...and now this ungodly weather.
I want a prayer, a weather prayer.
A weather prayer, sir?
Yes, let's see if you can't get God
working with us.
Gonna take a pretty thick rug
for that kind of praying.
I don't care if it
takes a flying carpet.
I don't know how this
is gonna be received, general.
Praying for good weather
so we can kill our fellow man.
I'd like to assure you sir, because of
my intimate relations with the Almighty
...if you write a good prayer,
we'll have good weather.
And I expect that prayer
within an hour.
Yes, sir.
Almighty and most merciful Father...
...we humbly beseech Thee...
...of Thy great goodness...
...to restrain this
immoderate weather...
...with which we've had to contend.
Grant us fair weather for battle.
Graciously hearken to us...
...as soldiers who call upon Thee...
...that armed with Thy power...
...we may advance
from victory to victory...
...and crush the oppression...
...and wickedness of our enemies...
...and establish Thy justice...
...among men and nations. Amen.
working - trabajando
ungodly - impío
tired - cansado
which - cual
thick - grueso
takes - toma
wickedness - malicia
fight - lucha
establish - establecer
battle - batalla
general - general
having - teniendo
immoderate - inmoderado
carpet - alfombra
fellow - compañero
goodness - bondad
within - dentro
expect - esperar
victory - victoria
command - mando
enemies - enemigos
contend - contender
advance - avanzar
assure - asegurar
weather - clima
almighty - todopoderoso
gasoline - gasolina
among - entre
chaplain - capellán
pretty - bonita
beseech - implorar
because - porque
power - poder
flying - volador
crush - aplastar
supreme - supremo
armed - armado
germans - alemanes
prayer - oración
great - estupendo
gonna - va a
write - escribir
graciously - graciosamente
hearken - escuchar
humbly - humildemente
father - padre
intimate - íntimo
justice - justicia
merciful - misericordioso
nations - naciones
grant - conceder
oppression - opresión
praying - rezando
received - recibido
relations - relaciones
restrain - contener
soldiers - soldados
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