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Tanulás elkezdése
Yo, Linda! Yo!
I ain't dismissed you.
You're on my time.
That's my manager, Raji,
with Miss Bangkok.
I told them I wanna quit and he's like,
"You quit me, I'm gonna jack you up."
- He talks like that?
- He thinks he's black.
His real name is Roger Lowenthal.
He's partners with this guy named Nick
Carr. He's this music promoter.
- I know Nicky.
- They caught me straight off the bus from Texas.
Said they'd make me this big star,
and like a fool I believed them.
Yo, Linda! When you're done turnin'
tricks, get your ass back over here.
I ain't done with you yet.
Look, I can't do five more years,
not with these guys.
Who's the big guy?
That's Elliot Wilhelm, Raji's bodyguard.
He's got this thing that he can raise
one eyebrow, give you that look.
He wants to be in movies.
That's it? He just does
the one eyebrow?
As far as I know,
he's gay too.
Word is he once threw a guy out of a
30-story building for calling him a fag.
- He must have been mad.
- Yo, Linda!
your voice wouldn't sound so flat.
Yeah, that one was for me,
so just relax.
You're gonna end up doing
50-cent lap dances like Miss Bangkok.
Chil, wait. You don't know these guys.
They're bad guys.
Trust me, Linda. I know 'em
a whole lot better than you do.
..ass-popping up and down a pole.
You'll be up at that place
going pop, pop, pop. Pop, pop, pop...
- What are you gonna say?
- Nothing more than I have to, if that.
Ass-popping. Snap, crackle, pop!
Chili, wait.
Man in a suit.
You in town for some kind of convention?
No, but if I was, you'd be
the man to see. Am I right?
Why would you say
something stupid like that?
The way you're dressed,
you're either a pimp or a limo driver.
You got jokes? You some kindofweak-assed comedian?
- Raji, look at me.
- I'm looking at you, man.
Oh, you say you're looking at me,
but are you really looking at me?
I'm really looking at you.
You got something stupid to say, say it.
So I can be done with you.
Linda's quit. She's
out of the Chicks.
She's got five years
on her contract.
I just cancelled it.
You walkin' out the door?
Who are you supposed to be?
I'm the one setting you straight.
I'm Linda's new manager.
Come on, honey.
- Elliot, light his ass up.
- Got it.
You're Elliot Wilhelm. You're an actor.
- Yeah.
- I'm sorry. Chili Palmer.
I'm a producer. I did the film Get Leo.
Do you remember that?
Yeah, it's great to meet you.
I walk into a club
and I see a guy like you and I say,
"He's got the look, but does he
have the talent? Can he act?"
Watch this.
years - évek
would - lenne
wilhelm - wilhelm
whole - egész
wants - akar
trust - bizalom
threw - dobta
thinks - azt hiszi
these - ezek
texas - Texas
talent - tehetség
stupid - hülye
supposed - feltételezett
story - sztori
sorry - sajnálom
watch - néz
something - valami
roger - nyugtáztam
really - igazán
promoter - elősegítő
doing - csinál
partners - partnerek
convention - egyezmény
going - haladó
relax - kipiheni magát
gonna - fog
dances - táncok
driver - sofőr
nicky - Nicky
dressed - öltözött
wanna - akarok
bodyguard - testőr
contract - szerződés
palmer - zarándok
chili - chili
better - jobb
tricks - trükkök
calling - hívás
chicks - csibék
remember - emlékezik
lowenthal - lowenthal
thing - dolog
nothing - semmi
caught - elkapott
assed - szar
voice - hang
comedian - komikus
actor - színész
straight - egyenes
raise - emel
bangkok - Bangkok
building - épület
cancelled - törölve
dismissed - elutasította
either - bármelyik
talks - beszél
elliot - elliot
setting - beállítás
great - nagy
light - fény
popping - felbukkanó
jokes - viccek
sound - hang
black - fekete
eyebrow - szemöldök
kindofweak - kindofweak
right - jobb
named - nevezett
linda - Linda
crackle - ropogás
music - zene
looking - keres
believed - véljük
manager - menedzser
movies - filmek
producer - termelő
honey - édesem
place - hely
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