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Tanulás elkezdése
I ate some Triscuit crackers
in the car.
You should've had some.
Well, maybe if you'd told me...
there were delicious Triscuit crackers,
I could have enjoyed them with you.
I'm sorry.
Well, sorry doesn't put the Triscuit
crackers in my stomach.
- Does it, Carl?
- Gentlemen.
I'm sorry
to have kept you waiting.
Have you all met?
Eric Gordon,
my executive vice president.
And our operations manager,
Carl Alphonse.
Sit down, gentlemen.
Sit down.
Beautiful table.
Good seeing you, sir.
Well, where's Billy?
Juanita said he'd be down
in a few minutes.
I'm sure you'll all be
very impressed.
Shampoo is better!
I go on first
and clean the hair.
Conditioner is better.
I leave the hair
silky and smooth.
Oh, really, fool?
Stop looking at me,
Eh, Carl, what's up?
Nothin' much, Billy. I see you got
a little sun today.
Oh, yeah. You think so? I fell asleep
by the pool for a few hours.
Did you fall asleep,
or did you pass out?
Shut up!
That's enough, Billy.
Because you took your own sweet-ass
time coming down here tonight,
these gentlemen are going to miss
their last flights home.
Well, this guy can stay in my room,
I'll tell you that much.
eat your soup.
It's good soup.
Well, gentlemen, I can't thank you
enough for coming out here this evening.
Please, Billy, please.
No gibberish tonight. Please, I beg you.
Sorry, Daddy.
This is a big night
for me tonight.
I have an important announcement
to make.
That's it, Billy.
Get the hell out of here!
Nice talkin' to you, Billy.
triscuit - Triscuit
tonight - ma este
think - gondol
these - ezek
table - asztal
gibberish - értelmetlen beszéd
evening - este
important - fontos
gentlemen - urak
clean - tiszta
going - haladó
first - első
hours - órák
flights - járatok
really - igazán
billy - fütykösbot
enough - elég
enjoyed - élvezte
executive - végrehajtó
delicious - finom
their - azok
operations - művelet
stomach - gyomor
beautiful - szép
little - kicsit
shampoo - sampon
could - tudott
asleep - alva
leave - szabadság
crackers - diótörő
today - ma
daddy - apu
better - jobb
because - mert
coming - eljövetel
juanita - Juanita
conditioner - kondicionáló
thank - köszönet
manager - menedzser
seeing - látás
gordon - gordon
waiting - várakozás
impressed - lenyűgözött
president - elnök
looking - keres
alphonse - alphonse
minutes - percek
maybe - talán
sorry - sajnálom
night - éjszaka
please - kérem
silky - selymes
there - ott
announcement - közlemény
smooth - sima
sweet - édes
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