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Tanulás elkezdése
Long as you don't serve chicken that way.
Tell me, what do the police say?
They're calling it an accident.
- Who's the investigating officer? - Lou Escobar. He's a lieutenant.
- Do you know him? - Oh, yeah.
Where from?
We used to work together. In Chinatown.
- Would you call him a capable man? - Very.
- Honest? - As far as it goes.
Of course, he has to swim in the same water we all do.
Of course, but you've no reason to think he's bungled the case?
- None. - That's too bad.
- Too bad? - Hmm.
It disturbs me. Makes me think you're taking my daughter for a ride.
Financially speaking, of course.
What are you charging her?
My usual fee, plus a bonus if I get results.
Are you sleeping with her?
Come, come, Mr. Gitts.
You don't have to think about that to remember, do you?
If you want an answer to that question, Mr. Cross,
I'll put one of my men on the job.
- Good afternoon. - Mr. Gitts...
- Gittes. - Gittes.
You're dealing with a disturbed woman who just lost her husband.
I don't want her taken advantage of.
- Sit down. - What for?
You may think you know what you're dealing with,
but believe me, you don't.
Why is that funny?
It's what the District Attorney used to tell me in Chinatown.
Yeah? Was he right?
Exactly what do you know about me? Sit down.
Mainly that you're rich,
and too respectable to want your name in the newspapers.
Of course, I'm respectable. I'm old.
Politicians, ugly buildings, and whores
all get respectable if they last long enough.
woman - nő
whores - kurvák
where - ahol
usual - szokásos
together - együtt
taken - tett
disturbs - megzavarja
would - lenne
exactly - pontosan
dealing - foglalkozó
chinatown - kínai negyed
chicken - csirke
remember - emlékezik
district - kerület
daughter - lánya
speaking - beszélő
charging - töltés
disturbed - zavart
course - tanfolyam
cross - kereszt
calling - hívás
husband - férj
think - gondol
afternoon - délután
financially - pénzügyileg
taking - bevétel
police - rendőrség
believe - hinni
accident - baleset
capable - képes
about - ról ről
attorney - ügyvéd
answer - válasz
bonus - pótlék
serve - szolgál
bungled - elrontott
enough - elég
lieutenant - hadnagy
results - találatok
escobar - Escobar
buildings - épületek
mainly - főként
funny - vicces
right - jobb
gittes - gittes
honest - becsületes
advantage - előny
question - kérdés
water - víz
investigating - vizsgáló
makes - gyártmányú
newspapers - újságok
officer - tiszt
politicians - politikusok
sleeping - alvás
reason - ok
respectable - tiszteletreméltó
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