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Tanulás elkezdése
She is almost perfect.
That's great. Is she working
three jobs too?
No, but she sounds
exactly like you.
Well, I'm sure she doesn't
actually sound like me, Joe.
No, she does.
She responds to callers with
something that you would say.
Obviously it's more predictable.
Only as predictable as you are.
- Excuse me.
- I said only as predictable as you are.
- We're all predictable.
- Well, I'm not.
Actually, you are. The more I've
been listening to your voice,
I recognize that you use
sixteen different word clusters
in seventy percent of your
verbal communication.
I can show you
a breakdown of it.
No, that's fine,
I'm sure you're right.
I am, I have the data.
How is this legal?
Have you ever heard, "this call
may be monitored or recorded"?
That's us.
I need a list
of in-network podiatrists.
I'm with you
but I didn't catch that.
That's you.
It's something.
Would you like to choose a
new, primary care physician?
I don't want to change doctors.
Why do I have to change?
I know it's complex, but
we will deal with it together.
Deal with it together.
You say that all the time.
Okay, no.
Congratulations Joe.
Successfully reduced my
personality to a couple of catch phrases.
Don't you see
how lifelike it is?
I mean, people are even calling in
to corporate to speak to you, to her.
Maybe it's groundbreaking
for an answering machine.
But, it's not me, it's...
it's nothing like me.
Are you mad about
something else?
No, I'm just tired.
The great news is, I don't have
to be anymore, because you did it.
So, I'm gonna quit the hotel. I want
you to take the app off my phone.
We need to do
updates for months.
So, this isn't the
end of the process.
I don't want you
listening anymore.
In order to be of the most value
to our customers,
we're gonna need
to continue to do improvements.
Joe, I will work
with Meghan then.
Joe, I am glad that
the ivr came out so well, okay?
But I would like to
go back to being your wife,
and not your
science experiment.
But I enjoy listening to you.
I don't think you've been
listening to me at all.
Take the app off my phone, Joe.
It's off.
Thank you. I'm going to bed.
working - dolgozó
voice - hang
verbal - szóbeli
updates - frissítések
together - együtt
think - gondol
thank - köszönet
speak - beszél
sounds - hangok
seventy - hetven
right - jobb
responds - válaszol
recorded - feljegyzett
science - tudomány
recognize - elismerik
process - folyamat
primary - elsődleges
phone - telefon
personality - személyiség
perfect - tökéletes
percent - százalék
people - emberek
complex - összetett
choose - választ
answering - üzenetrögzítő
predictable - kiszámítható
corporate - társasági
podiatrists - ortopéd szakorvosok
catch - fogás
actually - tulajdonképpen
experiment - kísérlet
different - különböző
something - valami
anymore - többé
would - lenne
exactly - pontosan
legal - jogi
almost - majdnem
clusters - klaszterek
because - mert
three - három
enjoy - élvez
change - változás
congratulations - gratulálok
hotel - szálloda
sixteen - tizenhat
nothing - semmi
being - lény
great - nagy
breakdown - bontás
value - érték
communication - közlés
going - haladó
couple - párosít
gonna - fog
callers - hívók
groundbreaking - úttörő
calling - hívás
maybe - talán
excuse - mentség
successfully - Sikeresen
heard - hallott
tired - fáradt
obviously - magától értetődően
reduced - csökkent
improvements - fejlesztések
lifelike - élethű
customers - ügyfelek
listening - kihallgatás
physician - orvos
phrases - kifejezés
machine - gép
meghan - meghan
sound - hang
about - ról ről
monitored - ellenőrizni
doctors - orvosok
months - hónap
continue - folytatni
network - hálózat
order - sorrend
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