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Tanulás elkezdése
Rod Randall is back from the dead?
How dumb is this?
The man was killed in 1973
in an auto accident.
So he wasn't killed.
He was maimed.
We give him
reconstructive surgery.
What are you talking about? The guy
was decapitated. I looked it up.
He was on his way to the Yukon
in a pink convertible...
to see his brother who was
an ex-con named Francis...
when a tractor-trailer came along
and decapitated him.
You know what that means.
It means, he doesn't have a head!
How am I supposed to write for a guy
that doesn't have a head?
He's got no lips, no vocal cords.
What do you want me to do?
They froze the head.
Will you use your imagination?
He doesn't have a head!
Never mind, never mind.
I will work this out myself.
What I want you to help
me understand
is making Celeste Montana's mother.
When did Celeste have her when
she was five, six, seven? When?
Guess what. You'll work it out.
You're a writer.
What is this horseshit?
I'm Montana's mother?
Never! And you!
- And you! And you!
- I was under orders.
So was Hitler!
No, I don't mean Hitler.
I mean the other guy. The other one.
Eichmann! Thank you.
Eichmann. That's you.
Rod Randall comes back from Vienna?
I fall in love with him?
And Montana turns out
to be my daughter?
How in the name of God
is that possible?
All right, well, we
haven't figured that out yet
but, you know, it's the dark secret
has been torturing you for years.
David, you can't turn me
into a grandmother.
I still have my looks.
I think that the romance with Rod
balances that.
- Well, who plays him?
- He's an actor's actor.
You're not gonna stick me
with that John Farbstein again...
with the yellow teeth
and the long nose hair.
I'm not getting in bed with him.
Some people I don't
get in bed with.
Sorry. I thought
this was my dressing room.
Hello, Celeste.
yukon - Yukon
write - ír
vocal - ének
vienna - bécs
understand - megért
under - alatt
turns - menetek
writer - író
trailer - filmelőzetes
thank - köszönet
surgery - sebészet
supposed - feltételezett
still - még mindig
years - évek
seven - hét
torturing - kínzó
secret - titok
romance - románc
sorry - sajnálom
francis - Francis
farbstein - farbstein
tractor - traktor
means - eszközök
david - david
grandmother - nagymama
daughter - lánya
stick - rúd
eichmann - eichmann
hitler - Hitler
think - gondol
figured - mintás
cords - vezetékek
hello - helló
comes - jön
reconstructive - rekonstruktív
accident - baleset
decapitated - lefejezzük
along - mentén
looks - úgy néz ki,
imagination - képzelet
myself - magamat
again - újra
froze - megfagyott
dressing - öltözködés
right - jobb
named - nevezett
people - emberek
gonna - fog
brother - fiú testvér
plays - játszik
actor - színész
thought - gondolat
horseshit - lószar
talking - beszél
other - más
about - ról ről
convertible - átváltható
guess - találd ki
killed - elesett
mother - anya
looked - nézett
orders - rendelés
teeth - fogak
celeste - celeste
maimed - megcsonkított
getting - szerzés
making - gyártás
montana - montana
randall - Randall
never - soha
yellow - sárga
balances - egyenlegek
possible - lehetséges
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