Tanulj igazi angolt filmekből és könyvekből!
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A csúszka segítségével szerkesztheti a videoklip kezdetét és végét
Kattintson a gyakorlatok ikonjára, amelyekhez hozzá kívánja adni a kifejezést további tanulmányok céljából
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Kattints a "plus"-ra, hogy hozzáadj egy szót/mondatot a tanulandókhoz!
Tanulás elkezdése
Okay, what's going on, man?
Come on, what does...
What does that mean?
What does that mean?
It means you leave me
a voicemail
telling me to tell Francie
not to open your RSVP card.
Then you leave me a voicemail
telling me that you're coming
and then another one saying
"Disregard the last one."
So that's what I mean,
what are you doing here?
You listened to
all those voicemails?
Come on, El,
please don't go all crazy.
"All crazy"?
Now what does that mean?
It means you get mad.
You do something big
and you can't take it back
and it's too late, and then... Crazy.
I do that?
I do that?
I'm not your mom,
so, I don't do that.
I think it's funny, mostly.
But not today.
- Nikki will murder me...
- All right, all right.
Nikki can calm down.
What is... What is
the deal with Nikki?
Wow. "What's the deal
with Nikki?" That's funny.
Why would you care about Nikki if
you're just here for my sister?
You're right.
- Yeah.
- You're right.
It's none of my business
if you cheated on me with her.
- What?
- Why should it even bother me?
Come on! I didn't
cheat on you with her.
It started after we broke up
and you dropped out
as maid of honor.
How does a guy who...
After two years, you break
up with me over text?
"Good luck with your
future endeavors"?
Were you firing me?
What the f...
years - évek
voicemail - hangposta
telling - sokatmondó
should - kellene
would - lenne
saying - mondás
really - igazán
please - kérem
murder - gyilkosság
mostly - többnyire
started - indult
listened - hallgatta
voicemails - voicemails
means - eszközök
coming - eljövetel
break - szünet
endeavors - törekvések
future - jövő
going - haladó
think - gondol
something - valami
cheat - csal
business - üzleti
after - után
cheated - becsapott
right - jobb
funny - vicces
broke - törött
bother - zavar
today - ma
doing - csinál
sister - lánytestvér
dropped - leesett
crazy - őrült
firing - égetés
those - azok
honor - becsület
about - ról ről
disregard - figyelmen kívül hagyása
francie - francie
nikki - Nikki
another - egy másik
leave - szabadság
Kattints egy szóra vagy jelölj ki egy mondatot, hogy lásd a fordítást.
Kattints a "plus"-ra, hogy hozzáadj egy szót/mondatot a tanulandókhoz!
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