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Tanulás elkezdése
I tell you...Uncle Sam!
He puts his hand in your shirt
and squeezes your tit till it's purple.
Andy! Andy!
- What's he doing?
Getting himself killed.
Keep tarring.
Some brother! Shit.
Mr. Hadley...
do you trust your wife?
Oh, that's funny.
You're gonna look funnier
sucking my dick with no teeth.
What I mean is, do
you think she'd go behind your back,
trying to hamstring you?
That's it. Step aside, Mert.
This fucker is having himself an accident.
He will push him off the roof.
'Cause if you do trust her, there's
no reason you can't keep that 35,000.
- What did you say?
- 35,000.
- 35,000?
- All of it.
- All of it?
- Every penny.
You'd better start making sense.
If you want to keep all that money,
give it to your wife.
The IRS allows a one-time-only gift
to your spouse for up to $60,000.
Bullshit! Tax-free?
Tax-free. The IRS can't touch one cent.
You're that smart banker
who killed his wife, aren't you?
Why should I believe a smart banker like
you? So I can end up in here with you?
It's perfectly legal.
Go ask the IRS.
They'll say the same thing.
Actually, I feel stupid telling you this.
I'm sure you would have
investigated the matter yourself.
Yeah, fucking A'!
I don't need no smart wife-doing banker
to tell me where the bears
shit in the buckwheat.
Of course not, but you do need someone
to set up the tax-free gift for you.
It'll cost you. A lawyer, for example.
A bunch of ball-washing bastards.
I suppose I could set it up for you.
That would save you some money.
If you get the forms, I'll prepare them for you.
Nearly free of charge.
I'd only ask three beers apiece
for each of my co-workers.
Co-workers! Get him! That's rich, ain't it?
I think a man working outdoors
feels more like a man
if he can have a bottle of suds.
That's only my opinion... sir.
What are you Jimmies staring at?
Back to work!
Let's go. Work.
And that's how it came to pass...
that on the second-to-last day of the job,
the convict crew that tarred the plate-factory roof
in the spring of '49...
wound up sitting in a row
at ten o'clock in the morning,
drinking icy-cold, Bohemia-style beer...
courtesy of the hardest screw that ever
walked a turn at Shawshank State Prison.
Drink up while it's cold, ladies.
The colossal prick
even managed to sound magnanimous.
We sat and drank with the sun on our
shoulders, and felt like free men.
Hell, we could have been tarring the roof
of one of our own houses.
We were the lords of all creation.
As for Andy, he spent that
break hunkered in the shade...
a strange little smile on his face.
wound - seb
working - dolgozó
while - míg
where - ahol
washing - mosás
trying - megpróbálja
trust - bizalom
touch - érintés
teeth - fogak
think - gondol
tarring - tarring
suppose - tegyük fel
beers - sörök
getting - szerzés
workers - munkások
tarred - kátrányos
making - gyártás
second - második
funny - vicces
lords - urak
plate - lemez
hardest - legnehezebb
matter - ügy
fucking - kibaszott
apiece - egy darab
penny - penny
fucker - köcsög
behind - mögött
feels - érzi
example - példa
having - amelynek
every - minden
prepare - készít
funnier - viccesebb
drink - ital
factory - gyár
bastards - szemetek
hamstring - megbénít
aside - félre
drank - ivott
shoulders - vállak
sound - hang
hadley - hadley
could - tudott
better - jobb
drinking - ivás
walked - sétált
believe - hinni
creation - teremtés
buckwheat - hajdina
legal - jogi
purple - lila
bohemia - csehország
bears - medve
shawshank - remény
bunch - csokor
accident - baleset
would - lenne
courtesy - udvariasság
start - rajt
bottle - üveg
sense - érzék
convict - elítélt
state - állapot
outdoors - szabadban
break - szünet
charge - díj
allows - lehetővé tesz
lawyer - jogász
squeezes - árprésnek
forms - formák
nearly - közel
actually - tulajdonképpen
banker - bankár
gonna - fog
bullshit - hülyeség
course - tanfolyam
uncle - nagybácsi
colossal - óriási
reason - ok
money - pénz
houses - házak
brother - fiú testvér
hunkered - hunkered
investigated - vizsgált
three - három
managed - sikerült
jimmies - Jimmies
killed - elesett
screw - csavar
telling - sokatmondó
should - kellene
little - kicsit
himself - saját maga
magnanimous - nagylelkű
opinion - vélemény
thing - dolog
perfectly - tökéletesen
ladies - hölgyek
prick - pöcs
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