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Jethro Tull – Living In These Hard Times testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Living In These Hard Times - Jethro Tull

parole da studiare

The bone's in the china. The fat's in the fire.

There's no turkey left on the table.

The commuter's return on the six o'clock flyer

brings no bale of hay for the stable.

Well, the light, it is failing along the green belt

as we follow the hard road signs.

Semi-detached in our suburban-ness

we're living in these hard times.

Well the fly's in the milk and the cat's in the stew.

Another bun in the oven oh, what to do?

We'll laugh and we'll sing and try to bring

a pound from your pocket.

Good day to you.

Oh, these hard times.

The politicians sat on the wall

and traded with the union game.

Someone slapped a writ on our deficit

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