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Mattafix – To & Fro testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

To & Fro - Mattafix

parole da studiare

I had a thought of you,

in solitude without rescue.

Your thoughts are in the

puring rain,

and you feel the way you

did before I met you.

Now I see the pain

forcing you to blame,

the only man that loved you.

Well no one more got

close to me before.

I´m amazed I let you.

To & fro,

is how my thoughts

would go,

while I was looking for,

my release.

You should know,

I had to let you go,

now and forever more,

I´m out of reach.

Now I see it all,

right before me,

your little story.

My role was on the page,

I refused to play in your


I feel no remorse while

you deal with yours.

How you feeling lately?

Well no one more got

close to me before.

Lady you betrayed me.