What do you want from your miserable life

What do you see in a future so bright

Get what you want, do what you can

You'll get more pussy if you're in a band

I always wanted the scream in the night

I always wanted the noise and the light

Standing on stage the thrill never fades, the ultimate rage

Raving and fighting

Maybe you'll shake, maybe you'll break

You'll never escape

Thunder and lightning

Life on the road is not easy my friend

You can't remember you can't pretend

All of your dreams can really come true

All of your nightmares are waiting there too

whole - totale
wasting - sprecare
waiting - in attesa
under - sotto
trigger - grilletto
thunder - tuono
thrill - brivido
there - là
stand - stare in piedi
stage - palcoscenico
spent - speso
slipping - slittamento
sliding - scorrevole
ultimate - finale
miserable - miserabile
wanted - ricercato
going - andando
quick - veloce
friend - amico
light - leggero
fighting - combattente
attack - attacco
nowhere - da nessuna parte
escape - fuga
pussy - micio
biting - pungente
always - sempre
future - futuro
break - rompere
bright - luminosa
maybe - può essere
lightning - fulmine
night - notte
blade - lama
reward - ricompensa
dangerous - pericoloso
shock - shock
delight - diletto
sixty - sessanta
dreams - sogni
never - mai
fades - svanisce
nightmares - incubi
outlaw - fuorilegge
balls - palle
pleasing - piacevole
pretend - far finta
promises - promesse
really - veramente
kicked - preso a calci
remember - ricorda
lighting - illuminazione
scratching - graffi
outrage - indignazione
quiver - faretra
scream - urlare
raving - delirio
noise - rumore
prove - dimostrare
shake - scuotere
standing - in piedi
shiver - brivido

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