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Savage Garden – I'll Bet He Was Cool testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

I'll Bet He Was Cool - Savage Garden

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You know every once in a while

I shoot the breeze I spend my time

I talk about silly things

I like to talk about Jesus Christ

Cos I wonder what would happen if He passed you by

Would you be scared?

Would you believe in Him?

Would you bust your asses to get him institutionalised?

Well, I bet he'd be cool

I bet He be damn good looking

I bet that He smelt divine

I'm not talking about Calvin Klein's Obsession

Just one of those people smell good all the time

There's no reason why

What would He wear

Would He wear Tommy Hilfiger?

Or prefer Urban Outfitted?

I don't think so

Well, I bet He liked Gaultier