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Unwritten Law – Save Me testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Save Me - Unwritten Law

parole da studiare

Had a bad day, don't talk to me

gonna ride this out,

my little black heart, breaks apart,

with your big mouth.

And I'm sick of my sickness

don't touch me, You'll get this

I'm useless, lazy, perverted

and you hate me

You can't save me

You can't change me

well I'm waiting for my wake up call

and everything, everything's my fault

Went to the doctor, and I asked her

to make this stop

got medication, a new addiction

fuckin thanks a lot.

Had a relapse, I'm bad at rehabs

ruins everything

so point your finger, at the singer

He's in the pharmacy

You can't save me

You can't change me

well I'm waiting for my wake up call

and everything my fault

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