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I am commanded by the King to be brief...
and since I am the King's obedient subject...
brief I will be.
I die His Majesty's good servant... but God's first.
I forgive you, right readily.
Be not afraid of your office.
You send me to God.
You're very sure of that, Sir Thomas?
He will not refuse one who is so blithe to go to him.
Thomas More's head was stuck on Traitor's Gate
for a month.
Then his daughter, Margaret,
removed it and kept it 'til her death.
Cromwell was beheaded for high treason
five years after More.
The Archbishop was burned at the stake.
The Duke of Norfolk should have been executed
for high treason...
but the King died of syphilis the night before.
Richard Rich became Chancellor of England...
and died in his bed.
thomas - tommaso
subject - soggetto
stake - palo
should - dovrebbero
years - anni
servant - servitore
right - destra
richard - richard
removed - rimosso
refuse - rifiuto
office - ufficio
obedient - obbediente
syphilis - sifilide
before - prima
burned - bruciato
stuck - incollato
after - dopo
blithe - allegro
archbishop - arcivescovo
beheaded - decapitato
became - [object Object]
executed - eseguito
first - primo
since - da
afraid - impaurito
forgive - perdonare
night - notte
readily - prontamente
commanded - comandato
chancellor - cancelliere
month - mese
cromwell - cromwell
treason - tradimento
death - morte
margaret - margaret
daughter - figlia
brief - breve
england - Inghilterra
norfolk - Norfolk
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