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Then they went and got more babies.
Seemed like a mistake to me.
Soon I had to live my life on the run.
Found him!
There was no escape.
I let them do what they wanted to me.
I'd do anything so that Roxy could be safe.
That was my mission, to protect her at all times.
I guess if I was really honest, I liked all the attention.
As Roxy and I got older,
our connection grew stronger.
And she never lost the spark
that drew me to her in the first place.
One day, Roxy went to the vet.
And she never came back.
Everyone was good to me.
But as the years went by,
I missed Roxy.
It just wasn't the same without her.
Tino. You know what I'm thinking?
Yes. I know what you're thinking.
No? No pizza?
I'm not hungry.
Tino. What are you thinking?
Tino, what are you thinking?
I'm thinking I'm ready.
One of my best lives, really.
years - anni
without - senza
times - volte
thinking - pensiero
stronger - più forte
connection - connessione
place - posto
found - trovato
everyone - tutti
wanted - ricercato
guess - indovina
missed - perse
escape - fuga
really - veramente
first - primo
attention - attenzione
lives - vite
could - poteva
anything - qualsiasi cosa
protect - proteggere
babies - bambini
honest - onesto
mission - missione
never - mai
older - più vecchio
hungry - affamato
liked - è piaciuto
ready - pronto
mistake - sbaglio
there - là
spark - scintilla
seemed - sembrava
pizza - pizza
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