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Your fur... It looks fantastic tonight.
Oh, my gosh. I had...
Omega alert.
- I will handle this. - It totally relaxes the knots.
That's all I've got.
Wow. This is a new feeling.
I saw the whole thing, guys.
And, I... I cannot believe they didn't just fall all over you.
When you yelled, "Hey," Oh, I thought you cinched it right there.
So, you think you can do better?
Oh please. The next girl that comes up the hill, she's mine.
I've never seen her look that good.
Kate is hot.
I'll be right back.
Where do you think you're going?
Humphrey, you know the rules.
You're not allowed to howl with her. She's an Alpha.
We can eat together.
But we can't, you know, howl together.
Guys, I know. I... I was just... Kidding.
Cheer up, buddy. You still got us.
Friends for life!
yelled - urlato
whole - totale
totally - totalmente
where - dove
thought - pensato
think - pensare
rules - regole
comes - viene
cheer - rallegrare
feeling - sensazione
looks - sembra
buddy - compagno
better - meglio
believe - credere
knots - nodi
there - là
allowed - permesso
cannot - non può
kidding - prendendo in giro
tonight - stasera
thing - cosa
alert - mettere in guardia
right - destra
alpha - alfa
still - ancora
cinched - cinched
fantastic - fantastico
relaxes - rilassa
never - mai
friends - amici
handle - maniglia
together - insieme
humphrey - humphrey
going - andando
omega - omega
please - per favore
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