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Ladies and gentlemen,
we have a very special guest for you!
He's a green marine sailing machine.
And he's keen to let you know he's not mean!
Put your wings together for Leonard!
Thank you so much.
Please hold your applause.
Greetings from my world!
The world of the pigs.
What's a pig?
I am a pig.
Unbelievable. Unbelievable.
Where we going? Wrong way.
Not working.
We practiced this a hundred times.
We're gonna come in again.
I'm so sorry.
My name is Leonard, but my friends call me Chuckles.
Very generous!
- Thank... - We mean no harm.
We saw your island across the sea, and we thought,
"Wonder what they're up to."
But there's no other place besides here.
Yes, there is.
And we are from there.
We call it Piggy Island.
Oh, my God.
Who else is out there?
My first officer, Ross, and I have sailed everywhere.
One brave soul against the sea.
- And Ross. - Uh, excuse me.
Have you come to smash all of our houses or just mine?
Oh, man!
Somebody want a gift basket?
Please, please, don't be afraid.
My partner and I request the honor of your friendship.
Ross, show 'em how we do it.
Don't worry, he's had all his shots.
We're all friends now!
Hi, friends.
Oh, not a hugger.
Welcome to Bird Island!
Welcome to our new friends, the pigs.
Let us have a celebration!
- Put 'er there! - Welcome!
worry - preoccupazione
wonder - meravigliarsi
wings - ali
where - dove
welcome - benvenuto
together - insieme
times - volte
thank - ringraziare
other - altro
green - verde
applause - applausi
practiced - esperto
gonna - andando
guest - ospite
going - andando
gentlemen - gentiluomini
there - là
friendship - amicizia
generous - generoso
everywhere - ovunque
first - primo
world - mondo
basket - [object Object]
again - ancora
marine - marino
excuse - scusa
across - attraverso
brave - coraggioso
unbelievable - incredibile
honor - onore
request - richiesta
afraid - impaurito
chuckles - ridacchia
wrong - sbagliato
friends - amici
celebration - celebrazione
against - contro
hugger - hugger
besides - inoltre
hundred - centinaio
houses - case
island - isola
leonard - leonard
thought - pensato
ladies - le signore
machine - macchina
officer - ufficiale
smash - distruggere
place - posto
piggy - porcellino
please - per favore
working - lavoro
greetings - saluti
partner - compagno
sailed - navigato
sailing - andare in barca
shots - scatti
somebody - qualcuno
sorry - scusa
special - speciale
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