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So you're telling me you can only give our guys 45 hours?
That brings them to about there.
Gentlemen, that's not acceptable.
Guys! Power is everything!
Power is everything.
Without it, they don't talk to us,
they don't correct their trajectory. . .
they don't turn the heat shield around.
We gotta turn everything off. Now.
They're not gonna make it to re-entry.
What do you mean, "everything"?
With everything on, the LEM draws 60 amps.
At that rate, in 16 hours the batteries are dead, not 45.
And so is the crew. We gotta get them down to 12 amps.
You can't run a vacuum cleaner on 12 amps, John.
We gotta turn off the radars, cabin heater. . .
instrument displays, guidance computer, the whole smash.
Guidance computer? What if they need to do another burn?
They won't know which way they're pointed.
The more time we talk down here, the more juice they waste up there.
I'm looking at the data for the past hour.
- That's the deal? - That's the deal.
Okay, John.
Minute we finish the burn, we'll power down the LEM.
All right.
Now, in the meantime,
we're gonna have a frozen command module up there.
In a couple of days, we'll gonna power it up using nothing but the re-entry batteries.
How we've never even simulated it before, Jim.
Well, we're gonna have to figure it out.
I want people in our simulators working re-entry scenarios.
I want you guys to find every engineer
who designed every switch, every circuit
every transistor and every light bulb that's up there.
Then, I want you to talk to the guy in the assembly line
who actually built the thing.
Find out how to squeeze every amp out of both of these goddamn machines.
I want this mark all the way back to Earth with time to spare.
We never lost an American in space.
We're sure as hell not gonna lose one on my watch.
working - lavoro
whole - totale
without - senza
which - quale
vacuum - vuoto
transistor - transistor
there - là
squeeze - spremere
spare - scorta
space - spazio
simulators - simulatori
simulated - simulata
right - destra
pointed - appuntito
american - americano
displays - visualizza
designed - progettato
around - in giro
people - persone
command - comando
smash - distruggere
machines - macchine
trajectory - traiettoria
computer - computer
circuit - circuito
draws - disegna
telling - raccontare
guidance - guida
batteries - batterie
watch - orologio
acceptable - accettabile
radars - radar
cleaner - addetto alle pulizie
about - di
minute - minuto
built - costruito
using - utilizzando
another - un altro
waste - rifiuto
cabin - cabina
actually - in realtà
shield - scudo
before - prima
power - energia
earth - terra
goddamn - dannazione
heater - riscaldatore
every - dejte pozor
everything - qualunque cosa
looking - analizzare, cercare, guardare
finish - finire
switch - interruttore
frozen - congelato
gentlemen - gentiluomini
engineer - ingegnere
couple - coppia
gonna - andando
meantime - intanto
these - queste
gotta - devo
correct - corretta
instrument - strumento
their - loro
assembly - montaggio
juice - succo
figure - figura
hours - ore
light - leggero
entry - iscrizione
module - modulo
brings - porta
never - mai
thing - cosa
scenarios - scenari
nothing - niente
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