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So let me dive right in by interpreting one of the easiest events
in the last 20 years of American history.
Now can someone tell me why, in 1975,
we pulled our troops out of Vietnam?
The failure of Vietnamization to win popular support
caused an ongoing erosion of confidence in the various American
but illegal Saigon regimes.
Is she right?
That's the popular version of what went on there.
And a lot of people like to believe that.
I wish I could, but I was there.
I wasn't in a classroom, hoping I was right, thinking about it,
I was up to my knees in rice paddies, with guns,
going up against Charlie, slugging it out with him
while pussies like you were back here partying,
putting headbands on, doing drugs, listening to the goddamn Beatle albums.
Professor, take it easy, will you?
These kids, they were in grade school at the time, and me...
I'm not a fighter, I'm a lover.
Well, I didn't know you wanted to get involved into discussion, Mr. Helper.
But since you want to help, maybe you can help me okay?
Remember that thing we had about 30 years ago called the Korean Conflict?
Yeah? Where we failed to achieve victory?
How come we didn't cross the 38th parallel
and push those rice-eaters back to the Great Wall of China
and take it apart brick by brick
Why? Say it! Say it!
All right. I'll say it.
'Cause Truman was too much of a pussy wimp to let MacArthur go in there
and blow out those commie bastards!
Good answer. Good answer.
I like the way you think.
I'm gonna be watching you.
Good teacher. He really seems to care.
About what, I have no...
years - anni
where - dove
vietnam - Vietnam
troops - truppe
while - mentre
those - quelli
thing - cosa
teacher - insegnante
support - supporto
version - versione
someone - qualcuno
slugging - slugging
there - là
school - scuola
remember - ricorda
pussy - micio
seems - sembra
pulled - tirato
popular - popolare
regimes - regimi
partying - partying
these - queste
parallel - parallelo
paddies - risaie
ongoing - in corso
maybe - può essere
professor - professore
macarthur - MacArthur
lover - amante
discussion - discussione
saigon - saigon
charlie - charlie
cross - attraversare
various - vario
great - grande
conflict - conflitto
involved - coinvolti
believe - credere
think - pensare
against - contro
eaters - mangiatori
easiest - più semplice
right - destra
putting - mettendo
helper - aiutante
watching - guardando
caused - causato
really - veramente
apart - a parte
goddamn - dannazione
failed - fallito
wanted - ricercato
going - andando
gonna - andando
called - chiamato
brick - mattone
about - di
since - da
could - poteva
thinking - pensiero
interpreting - interpretariato
classroom - aula
history - storia
truman - truman
american - americano
commie - commie
answer - risposta
grade - grado
pussies - fighe
confidence - fiducia
beatle - beatle
doing - fare
knees - ginocchia
erosion - erosione
events - eventi
victory - vittoria
people - persone
failure - fallimento
bastards - bastardi
fighter - combattente
albums - album
achieve - raggiungere
headbands - fasce
drugs - farmaci
hoping - sperando
illegal - illegale
vietnamization - vietnamizzazione
korean - coreano
china - cina
listening - ascoltando
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