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Boomerang - My Mack Daddy Vibe (It)

Scena tratta dal film Il principe delle donne
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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    Good evening, boss.

    Please do not call me that.

    I want you to think of me
    as your colleague.

    So tell me something. Are you excited
    about working with Strangé?

    Stop. You know I didn't come up here
    to talk to you about no Strangé.

    I came up here to talk to you about us.

    I'm rapping. This is
    my mack-daddy vibe I'm giving you

    in all of its splendour.

    - What's up?
    - Really?

    Yes. I mean, eleganz a
    mack daddy of the month.

    I see. Well, let me... let me get a good look.

    Check it. Just like Jet magazine.

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