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Show you face, you coward.
You can't hide forever.
Oh, but I've nothing to hide.
Will someone please shut her up?!
I have an ingenious
test to perform.
Are you like mutants or something?
"I read this in a comic book."
You make me sick!
It's an experiment gone awry.
You're turning blue!
It's about time.
My captive audience...
shall we play a little game,
young Brody? Excuse me.
The vial! The green one!
Here you go, boss.
Oh, hello, Mr. Sinister Serum.
What's in that?
My quote-unquote master's fake snow
is the perfect medium for carrying...
...your disease.
Ah, yes. Thereby breaking the bond
between a boy and his dog.
No, wait.
Bad. Bad talking cat. Scat.
Lower the cage!
Ha ha! Success!
- You! Go assemble the troops.
- Yes, sir.
As for you, Brody herd...
I have a very very special
gift! What?!
I thought I told you to
buy a real gun!
What possible use could
I have for this?!
Hey! I'm so clever.
This is plain fun, yeah.
- I want you to stay here.
- Why?
- Because I hate you.
- No. No!
turning - svolta
thought - pensato
thereby - in tal modo
talking - parlando
success - successo
young - giovane
special - speciale
serum - siero
quote - citazione
sinister - sinistro
possible - possibile
plain - pianura
perfect - perfezionare
please - per favore
mutants - mutanti
medium - medio
perform - eseguire
carrying - portando
something - qualcosa
excuse - scusa
breaking - rottura
brody - brody
lower - inferiore
about - di
assemble - montare
clever - intelligente
audience - pubblico
between - fra
forever - per sempre
because - perché
comic - comico
unquote - chiudere le virgolette
captive - prigioniero
experiment - sperimentare
ingenious - ingegnoso
shall - deve
little - piccolo
could - poteva
troops - truppe
coward - codardo
disease - malattia
nothing - niente
green - verde
someone - qualcuno
hello - ciao
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