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Dad, Nigel hit Kim with a dart, and I assume he will be punished.
Uh, Jake, get me a Band-Aid, okay?
Let's take a look, see if it's okay.
- Oh, no, I'm just kidding. It's actually not - Uh, Dad?
- Yeah? - This goo's on fire.
Yeah. Here we go. There we go. Got it. All right.
- Hey, Dad. - Oh, good. Can you get a Band-Aid?
No need to say hello.
Now, one other kid in this neighborhood does chores.
Well, we're not like any other family in the neighborhood.
Right. So, why do we live here?
Dishwasher, now!
Jessica, can you get these plates and put 'em on the table, please?
What the... Mike's athletic cup?
- Is that blood? - No, it's just a-
Oh! Clean-up on aisle 12! Anybody?
You need help cleaning up, Dad?
- I'm in puke! - Are you all right?
Still need help cleaning up, Dad?
No, you mopped it up enough with your back.
Oh, disgusting! Where's the Band-Aid?
- Dad, it still hurts. - Oh, here, let me look. Let me look.
Nora, where's that Band-
Jake put a bucket on Jessica's head, and it's stuck.
And when they have a free moment, let my parents know that...
I came by to tell 'em I got a job at an ad agency today.
- Dad, a little help here! - Nora!
Are you all right?
- You are in over your head, mister! - I'm so sorry.
I mean, I will- I will call- It's just my wife is out of town.
- Can I kill Jake now? - No, you finish washing the car first.
today - oggi
these - queste
there - là
stuck - incollato
still - ancora
right - destra
punished - punito
plates - piatti
other - altro
mopped - rastrellati
mister - signore
washing - lavaggio
clean - pulito
anybody - nessuno
kidding - prendendo in giro
bucket - secchio
disgusting - disgustoso
athletic - atletico
nigel - nigel
neighborhood - quartiere
little - piccolo
table - tavolo
jessica - jessica
assume - assumere
actually - in realtà
blood - sangue
agency - agenzia
dishwasher - lavastoviglie
sorry - scusa
cleaning - pulizia
moment - momento
enough - abbastanza
chores - faccende
aisle - corridoio
family - famiglia
finish - finire
parents - genitori
first - primo
hello - ciao
please - per favore
hurts - fa male
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