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I'm down for the cause, but how?
We force our men
to negotiate peace
by exercising
cocksure self-control
and total abstinence
from knocking the boots.
Men, you really think something
like that could bring peace?
Y'all know the power we have over them
withholding just a day.
- A week?
- You're right.
Imagine a month.
A year!
Oh, they gonna bring the peace!
Suppose... suppose
that the men just dump us.
If we all hold out,
who can they go to?
The thots.
Them hoes over there!
Well, we will enlist them, too.
If we want our men alive,
we want our babies to thrive,
we gonna have to organize.
Repeat after me.
I will deny all rights
of access or entrance...
I will deny all rights...
of access or entrance
From every husband,
lover, or male acquaintance...
From every husband,
lover, or male acquaintance...
Who comes to my
direction in erection.
Who comes to my
direction in erection.
withholding - ritenuta
thots - thots
there - là
total - totale
right - destra
repeat - ripetere
really - veramente
organize - organizzare
lover - amante
thrive - prosperare
alive - vivo
peace - pace
bring - portare
think - pensare
something - qualcosa
babies - bambini
power - energia
entrance - ingresso
rights - diritti
abstinence - astinenza
cause - causa
husband - marito
acquaintance - conoscenza
boots - stivali
cocksure - cocksure
direction - direzione
imagine - immaginare
every - dejte pozor
comes - viene
enlist - arruolare
suppose - supporre
negotiate - negoziare
control - controllo
month - mese
could - poteva
access - accesso
erection - erezione
exercising - esercizio
after - dopo
force - vigore
knocking - colpi
gonna - andando
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